Ive gone on and on about the depletion of fish stocks and - TopicsExpress


Ive gone on and on about the depletion of fish stocks and restaurant wastage many times before, and i will keep on saying it. Our restaurants should work on an ordered allocated system, where bookings and menu choice are made in advance and food must be sourced locally. McDonalds, KFC, FAT FOOD, (sorry, i meant fast food ;) ) etc etc, should be shut down and abolished!!! When we fish we should only keep what we can eat, there is no point fishing, catching 20-30 fish, putting them in cold storage and then throw them out when they are no good, not only do you deprive the fish of extra weeks or months growth and breeding but you also deprived someone else of a feed. Fish Markets are the WORSE offenders, they haul in MILLIONS OF TONS of seafood DAILY!! and a good deal of that is wasted, in land fill, where NO Fruit Trees or Vegetables Grow, OH and some waste is recycled as fertiliser. BUT ITS STILL WASTE! And in all reality does the world really need mountains of fertiliser for non edible plants, when people could have eaten the fish before it became fertiliser, how about every body eats the fish before it becomes waste before it becomes fertiliser, and if we are really desperate for fertiliser, we could start harvesting our own Human wastage for fertiliser, UNDERSTAND WHAT IM SAYING?? Its Stupidity! 1. We dont need to catch that much! 2. The Institution of a 100% Recyclability (yes i made that word up!) Program that holds everybody in the business accountable for wastage? (seems i made all that up! ;) ) 3. Sometimes i think i should stick to doing SJR Graphics 4. We need to grow our own and become self sufficient, (as much as possible, without stepping out of your comfort zone). 5. Red Clover and Dandelions are EDIBLE!!! (just thought id throw that in!) 6.Stop buying in bulk those things you know you end up throwing out anyway, THAT IS WASTE!! 7. Dont let supermarkets suck you in to buying a bag of apples if the apples are just going to rot on your kitchen bench, 8. If you buy just what you need, then supermarkets will learn order just what they need, it starts with your buying habits. 9. Think about how much wastage, out of date and write off stock is at your local supermarket, now times that by at least 1 BILLION (world wide). I hope your seeing this bigger picture!!??? I hate wastage so much, that i let my Fridge and Freezer go bare, because there was to much wastage by family, i cooked and mixed what we had, (i was trying to put my point across,) I ate well, they were starving (apparently). People have to be shown and people need someone to show them, My family went/had to go shopping, but they learnt by bringing back only what we needed. My Point! People need to be taught sometimes the slightly harder way to wake up.
Posted on: Sun, 13 Oct 2013 23:42:12 +0000

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