Ive got a testimony: UNDERSTANDING- God is here and ready go and - TopicsExpress


Ive got a testimony: UNDERSTANDING- God is here and ready go and so is the bride, a simple UNDERSTANDING, because God our Father showed us the way. I been in denomination for half of my life and I saw miracles and manifestations..I saw my God there. He had to be there for me to recognize his voice to call me out per his request in Rev. 18:4. He knew I would need to know him so when the truth of the end-time prophet came along to my UNDERSTANDING, I would hear his same voice whispering that was the narrow path I would go. God made himself plain to me, it is true that he would come to his own. He did things before my eyes that were supernatural and I knew only God could have done it. Then I had confidence that I could not be deceived because he became super real to me. Sure enough, I began to study the message of the hour brought by Bro. Branham, and God opened all kinds of revelation to help me UNDERSTAND the truth of whats happening in this world with the Christian and the denomination. Isaac and Ishmael typed. Abraham was the father of the two boys but the promise belonged only to one of the boys Isaac. God still being the father of both Christian and denomination rains blessings on both (wheat and tare typed). Abraham blessed both his sons. One son was Gods permissive will and the other was Gods perfect will, God separated the two, and just like Ishmael he still fights against the promised, one fighting against the truth of the perfect will and blessings of the Christian (Christ in the believers heart). Abraham sons were separated, Ismael fighting against the blessing of the truth of the promise word to Gods ordained ELECT who UNDERSTAND the truth. Most of the elect has been in the denominational system and they see both sides, both denominational teaching and the word for the hour..they can see like an eagle, flying high above, while those remaining in denomination scratch the ground like the chicken in a barnyard, they cant see the other side where truth is because they are too afraid to investigate the other side (word for the hour). Having been in denomination and having saw the true God, I could study, read, investigate any religion and know what is truth. I have the confidence to know God will divide the truth from the error because of my true experience with him/the King, Lord Jesus Christ. I believe they are going along with the system and have not trusted to UNDERSTAND what is truth and error and rightly divide the word because they lack the geniune experience with God who will straighten them out. If they studied the end-time word for this hour, they would see exactly what Im saying. The word that allows them to be truly free. The truth sets you free. It has set us free, not to go down when the devil reveals himself in that denominational system...God will move out the way (gentile rapture) and then itll be too late for gentile, all over, it will be the Jews turn. They fear that what they know to be God and truth will be disproved in the system, for its not man but the system that is corrupting, but all of it is the same God taking them to further truth that will stop their own spiritual demise in the end. Satan rules the system, they are in the wrong system with the right God. Satan has always been a deceiver and hes hidden now, just like Judas Iscariot. He did miracles, he walked with Jesus..he saw manifestation of God, that was his confidence and would not let go, but when it was time to get the Holy Ghost, he fell away, he wasnt the promised one, he was a permissive one to walk beside God thru Jesus Christ, their prophet and the Son of God, Judas wasnt the promised one, he was son of perdition, because he/they were ordained to it, however those who are heir to the truth and Gods perfect will are led of God in confidence, recognizing the truth for this hour. Once I saw the word unveiled by first studying having confidence God will direct me as he always has done, God verified it to me, just like he verified his voice to me while in denomination. Not all are pre-ordained to the truth, only the elect (Eph. 1:4 and 5), instead they II Thess 2:12, believe a lie and are damned by it. What a pitful condition to be in, instead of researching and let God give them the UNDERSTANDING, on the truth. Too scared to follow the same God who is father to both the Christian, true church in the heart of the believer, and the denominational believer. God said they are wretched, blind, miserable and poor and dont now it, how terrible (spirtual death), Rev. 3:17. They need eye salve as scripture recommends, which is the word for this hour...will they go to God and study to find out? Either to scared or too divested (lively-hood with denomination system) cant give up popularity, position or money. Rather die a spiritual death and take their loved ones with them, than humble themselves. God said those who humble themselves, he/ God will lift up..wont step out on faith and believe God will take care of them...even Abraham left his clan of people to go to Canaan, he didnt know what to expect or how he would survive the journey or even where Canaan land was, but he was sincere, trusted God to come out. They may read this post peering out from their comfortable seats, looking due to some doubt and follow us at a distance, trying to straddle the line to make up their minds, or looking for fault. Dont they realize God has led them to read this post to get it right, otherwise if they thought the word, thru bro. Branham was wrong, they would have deleted this group with confidence under God leadership, but they cant, God wont let them, they have been pricked in the heart, God is whispering, you neglected to delete this group for some reason, your under Gods leadership, to truly UNDERSTAND, but they still unsure, wont make that move. Even Pharoah could have destroyed Joseph when he gave the interpretation of his dream, but held back his mighty hand and when he realized that he didnt kill Joseph, something must of been to this man, elevated this very man and found out the TRUTH AND UNDERSTANDING that came in the future. Same today. Bro. Branham is not a false prophet, not an occult, Its just God doing the same thing today just like he did yesterday and will do tomorrow (Heb. 13:8). Duet.18:18-20 says he would send prophets, major and minor, why do you see anything that is different or contrary to what youve heard all your life in denomination, be anti-Christ. They thought that of Christ- hed whip people in temple, born out of wed lock, eat with sinners and publicans, did not come thru their system, Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today and forever. Jesus was poor, denominational system anything but poor, many traveled that way, but only 12 followed Jesus in the beginning. Jesus manifested the father in healings, raising the dead, main evidence was that he knew the thoughts and intents of the heart- all which have been repeated in this end time ministry..see Jesus is all over this ministry- Elijah prophesied to return before that great and dreadful day (Mal. 4:5), for truly Jesus is the same yesterday, today and will be forever- truly Elijah must come first as Jesus says in Matt., he has come and was done to him what was listed..talking about John the baptist, but Jesus said Elijah must always forerun Christ coming, and so Elijah has come before Christ return via the rapture. If the denominational believer will not study the message, how can they see that Bro. Branhams life was nothing but the type of the O.T. Elijahs life, he is the Elijah and Elijah has to come again to the Jews before God reveals himself to 144,000 Jews (Rev. 11:3) Moses and Elijah are the two witnesses, their spirits in a different fleshly tabernacle, not the actual men. For Jesus was certainly different from denomination of that day...thats what Jesus does- Hes different, but to his own he reveals himself, to his bride he chooses, he identifies himself.. Hes the same. Recognize the day and hour where God is, as it changes believe it or not. Whats wrong denominational believer? God is pricking your heart, go the distance, study, find out, trust God, have the confidence that you can look at anything and know what is truth. I found that when you see the truth you identify error much easier, Lord knows I see all the errors in the denomination since leaving, because I found the truth. Praise God. Denomination looks right because you see God, but one day the spirit will be removed and then you will see you did not have all the truth, you did not get all the UNDERSTANDING. Too late, that vessel of the foolish virgin, Matt. 25, will look for the word of the hour, the oil for their lamp, and the door has been shut, where there is only weeping and wailing and nashing of the teeth, too late. This God of the end-time word is the same God of the denomination, but there is more word to help you escape what the devil will stand up and reveal in the future, that the path taken is the wide one- the wrong one. Take the narrow path, trust God. I have and now I see the difference. We message believers believe God, not a man, just so happen that Gods word comes thru a man. May God annoint you to see the truth and come out of her..Its more word, not a different word. LikeLike · Seen by 1 Terri Quarles written under inspiration of God! 22 mins · Like Terri Quarles Bride please share. Jesus Christ, word on word, is not different (but pharicees and scribes thought so) hes just more word to the worlds, same as bro. Branham, thru Rev. 10:7 angel. Find more word at branham.org.
Posted on: Wed, 06 Aug 2014 08:56:22 +0000

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