Ive got more Im going to write about racism in this country as - TopicsExpress


Ive got more Im going to write about racism in this country as well as systemic oppression, but first I want to clarify a few things about my perspective and the perspective of the majority (I believe) of protestors and activists that are on the ground: * Riots are wrong. Destruction of property is bad. Theres no way to justify it. A very small, radical minority of demonstrators have bad intentions. The media focuses on those and tries to convince white America that the whole damned city is burning to the ground. Its not. It never was. * Most of the demonstrations around the country are demanding justice. Many of these statements are not statements as to the innocence or guilt of Wilson or Brown. Its a statement about justice. Justice in this situation would be a trial where the evidence is organized and presented and the jurors could make an informed decision. That didnt happen here. * Ferguson really isnt just about Ferguson. Ferguson gained national attention and is an opportunity for a national conversation that we need. That conversation is happening and its good. Racism and systemic oppression are built into the fabric of this country. Its being addressed. This is good. * Im a racist and so are you. We just are. Get over yourself and improve. * The fact that SO MANY on the right are insistent that this kid got what he deserved speaks to this. It demonstrates that you didnt even try to imagine this was your son. You didnt see the images of a destroyed man weeping and wailing at the casket of his child. Stop celebrating a boys death and start listening. * For more than 4 hours Michael Browns lifeless body lay in the street. A relative begged the authorities to at least cover him. There was no excuse for this and, whether you like it or not, it looks like a message. * I have a great amount of love and respect for police officers. By and large, I think they are the good guys. * The media is slanted. All of it. * One wealthy black guy (whoever that might be) whose audience is primarily white America really doesnt speak for the black community. So when you post his articles, you demonstrate your own racial tendencies (this guys black and he thinks like I do... This will show them!). Ive been trying to read black voices who are actually in the black community and engaging it. Their perspective is having a profound effect on me. Try it. * This conversation makes me EXTREMELY uncomfortable. Im a coward. Ive written a ton more than Ill ever put out for public consumption because Im afraid of upsetting friends. Im afraid of losing more friends (Ive lost some already because of some of what Ive said). Theres more to say, and maybe Ill do so later. There are some things Im going to post over the next weeks that are going to be very direct and offensive to some. Im going to share some things about my journey in this particular issue and how my religious experience and the racism Ive been a part of in the name of Christianity my entire life has shaped some of that. If youre going to find this offensive, I would suggest that you go ahead and unfriend me before my next post. Im not looking for a fight. Im trying to provoke a conversation. Im attempting to stretch my most conservative friends.
Posted on: Wed, 03 Dec 2014 14:31:52 +0000

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