Ive got some notes on the Guaradian video for quite a while - TopicsExpress


Ive got some notes on the Guaradian video for quite a while (including, of course, references to material by Errol Bruce-Knapp on this case) - isnt that video still a bit controversial? Did Bruce M ever accept it was explained? My current rough notes are pasted below. These include an extract from THE CARP CASE: The MUFON Ontario Version by Tom Theofanous & Errol Bruce-Knapp [Written August 1995 & published in the MUFON Ontario Newsletter] which concluded: “… the Guardian video of a UFO landing has, after analysis, proved inconclusive and likely is either a pick-up truck or (according to the RCMP investigation) a helicopter.” (Koi UFO Video 033 – Guardian tape footage) Video on Youtube at: youtube/watch?v=j4xiFHbOHnY Video (with new soundtrack) on Google Video at: video.google.ca/videoplay?docid=7791423935059995747 Video (with new soundtrack) on Youtube at: Discussed on ATS at: abovetopsecret/forum/thread9764/pg1 abovetopsecret/forum/thread262664/pg1 Brookesmith, Peter in his “UFO: The Government Files” (1996) at pages 100-102 (in Chapter 5) of the Parragon hardback edition. Discussion concludes: “The Guardian turned out to be one Bobby Charlesbois, a UFO devotee (as was Labanek’s nephew), and a family friend who visited her several times a week. MUFON Ontario’s verdict: a hoax. And, they suggested, Maccabee and Oechsler knew it, but had hoped to make money from the story. Maccabee strenuously denied the allegation [3].” Endnote (3) appears on page 173 : Jenny Randles, UFO Retrievals, Blandford, 1995 (pp 155-161); Tom Theosophanous, Errol Bruce-Knapp and Graham Lightfoot “Guardian Case Gets Sacked by Canadian Researchers”, UFO Magazine (USA), Volume 10 No. 2 (1995) (pp 35-38); Bruce Maccabee “Canadian Hoax Accusations Mask Full ‘Guardian’ Tale”, and Tom Theophanous, “ ‘Carp Case’ Defender Skirts Main Issues”, UFO Magazine (USA), Volume 10 No. 4 (1995) (pp 36-37); MUFON Ontario “The Carp Case”, The Canadian Ufologist, March 1996; Errol Bruce-Knapp and Tom Theosophanous, personal communications. “Alien Photography” article by Jenny Randles, published in Fortean Times magazine in May 2006. Text available online at the link below: forteantimes/strangedays/ufofiles/348/alien_photography.html “WEST CARLETON, CANADA, 18 AUGUST 1991 A mysterious contact calling himself ‘Guardian’ sent details over a long period to US ufologist Bob Oeschler regarding an alleged UFO crash in this area in 1989. In early 1992, Oeschler received video footage reputedly showing a second incident during which the UFO returned to try to retrieve the first craft. The images show what looks like a hovering aerial device with fl ashing lights blinking in the dark, and include a sequence of still shots of what appears to be an alien face, glowing white and with dark, slit eyes. The story accompanying the footage alleges that the beings are from a race that evolved from dinosaurs, fleeing Earth millions of years ago!” Discussed on Updates at: virtuallystrange.net/ufo/updates/1997/jun/m17-039.shtml Comments by Bruce Maccabee at virtuallystrange.net/ufo/mufonontario/archive/carp.html THE CARP CASE: The MUFON Ontario Version by Tom Theofanous & Errol Bruce-Knapp [Written August 1995 & published in the MUFON Ontario Newsletter] “… the Guardian video of a UFO landing has, after analysis, proved inconclusive and likely is either a pick-up truck or (according to the RCMP investigation) a helicopter.” The video (but NOT the soundtrack) is from the well known Guardian footage, purportedly showing a UFO landing in the Carp area of Ontario, Canada. The fully story is rather complicated but, basically, from about 1989 onwards several Canadian and American researchers received a VHS tape with the word GUARDIAN written on it. They also received some photographs and some documents that described a conspiracy between the Chinese and Grey Aliens that are planning to take over the world. The video subsequently appeared on quite a few documentaries, including Unsolved Mysteries, Sightings and Encounters. The video was supported by a few well known ufologists (particularly Bob Oechsler and Bruce Maccabee). However, the video is largely regarded as a hoax - partly due to a detailed report by Canadian representatives of MUFON (Tom Theofanous & Errol Bruce-Knapp in 1994/1995). Their report can be found at: virtuallystrange.net/ufo/mufonontario/archive/carp.html They concluded: “… the Guardian video of a UFO landing has, after analysis, proved inconclusive and likely is either a pick-up truck or (according to the RCMP investigation) a helicopter.” Relatively few people supported the video following that report, although Bruce Maccabee did write a fairly long response which contended that the alert reader [of EBKs report] will realize that the article presents no convincing evidence to show that either the witness testimony or the video constitute a hoax. See Bruces comments within a letter dated 25 May 1994 to the editors of the MUFON Journal at the link below: virtuallystrange.net/ufo/updates/1997/jun/m17-039.shtml Other sources: Brookesmith, Peter. UFO: The Government Files. New York: Barnes & Nobles, 1996. at page 101 martiansgohome/smear/v42/ss950705.htm “We have received an interesting 20-page typewritten communication from Dr. Bruce Maccabee of FUFOR (Fund for UFO Research), entitled Response to Criticisms of the Guardian/Carp Case Investigation. The Guardian Case, which we have mentioned briefly in several previous issues of Smear, is extremely complicated, but the basic evidence consists of a video sent to former ufologist Bob Oechsler and a few other people, plus a large amount of written material accompanying it. The case, which took place in 1991 in Carp, Ontario, Canada, is so bad that a Canadian branch of MUFON eventually declared it to be a hoax, and the MUFON Journal seemed to agree with this assessment.” members.aol/timprinty/myhomepage/hoax.html In 1989, the Canadian UFO Research Network (CUFORN) received a package from a mysterious guardian that stated a UFO crash had occurred near Ottawa. Initial response was that it appeared to be a hoax but some locals did investigate and determined where the possible landing/crash site was. For about two years it remained that way when more packages appeared, one of which contained a video of the crashed UFO. The images are not that impressive and appear to be some large object that is lit with flares nearby and a flashing light on top. However, this video began to make the rounds in the UFO community as something authentic. After the winter of 1991-1992, CUFORN began to investigate the case. An American Ufologist, Bob Oechsler, became involved in the investigation because he also received a version of the tape, which he showed to Dr. Bruce Maccabee. Both felt a UFO was present and needed investigation. Oechslers behavior during the investigation of the area seemed suspect. The Canadian UFOlogists were amazed at how Oechsler seemed to know his way around and then managed to find the location of the video shoot while they decided to go to a restaurant to get a bite to eat. Oechsler then proceeded to find witnesses of the incident. Apparently, the UFO crashed in 1989 and, in August 1991, there was a subsequent landing that was recorded in the same area. While Oechsler was busy looking for evidence of the UFO crash/landing, CUFORN began to investigate the more likely case of this being a video of a landed helicopter. Even though they could not find any helicopter landings that had occurred during the time period, CUFORN still was skeptical about the video. Back in the United States, Bob Oechsler had set up the television show Unsolved Mysteries to air the video bringing more people into the case. At one point, Dr. Maccabee referred to it as the best footage of a landed UFO hed ever seen (Brookesmith 101). Maccabees and Oechslers opinions began to differ with those who were closely investigating the case. Over the next few years, Oechslers qualifications began to become suspect and Dr. Bruce Maccabees connection with the case indicated he was either duped by Oechsler or that his analytical techniques were less than satisfactory. According to Tom Theofanous & Errol Bruce-Knapp: Bruce Maccabees motive and actions throughout the course of Oechslers investigation are highly suspect and we feel that Maccabee owes an explanation to all those in our field who have trusted his judgment over the years. The question is, is Maccabee being manipulated by Oechsler? Is he being conned or have his judgement and analytical capabilities become desperately impaired? ...Oechsler used his manipulative ability to build a story even though he knew of the circumstances and exactly what was going on and together with Bruce Macabbee, intentionally misled the public, the media and ufology using unethical means, and bad judgement in order to benefit financially and personally. (Theofanous & Bruce-Knapp): With these closing remarks it was clear that Maccabee and Oechslers opinions no longer mattered to people closely involved with the investigation of this case. CUFORN/MUFON Ontario continued their investigation and began to seriously doubt the eyewitness stories. They began to suspect that the vehicle in the video was a truck with lights on top and the day-glow type wiper blades extended. Apparently, the nephew of the witness owned this type of vehicle. Further investigation revealed that the guardian might have been a friend of the family. The case began to unravel and the conclusions of CUFORN/MUFON Ontario were that the witness, the nephew, and friend were all involved in the hoax. In writing about the video, the MUFON Ontario bulletin stated, That the Guardian video of a UFO landing has, after analysis, proved inconclusive and likely is either a pick-up truck or (according to the RCMP investigation) a helicopter. (Theofanous & Bruce-Knapp). The case was rightly declared a hoax even though several prominent UFOlogists wanted to maintain the opposite opinion. ufocasebook/carpcanada.html
Posted on: Sat, 25 Oct 2014 17:47:48 +0000

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