Ive got thirty years of back-rant to vent about this issue,... but - TopicsExpress


Ive got thirty years of back-rant to vent about this issue,... but as long as the Baby Doomers remain the largest voting demographic in this nation, and remain politically focused on maintaining their own comfort and luxury at the expense of others, i.e. their chidren, grandchildren and the neighbours kids also,... we as a Nation of disenfranchised and economically marginalised youth, will continue to be forced to finance the Baby Doomers retirement, healthcare, and pensions, not because we make a societal agreement to give thanks and respect to our Elders for preserving and protecting and enriching our Nation, Country, and Society,... but because we are economically conditioned to paying out 60% of half-a-living-wage to support the retirement benefits of the WEALTHIEST GENERATION OF WORKING CLASS PEOPLE IN THE ENTIRETY OF RECORDED HISTORY,... Weve been sold into Wage Slavery and CHAINED TO IT SINCE BIRTH, ....by the largest cohort of voters in this country, and they have been the driving force of international politics for 50 years,... a generation of children so poorly educated and shortsighted they couldnt see beyond their own desires to the economic devastation that would be, and was, well wrought upon their very own children,... I can remember what my country was like when I was born, Im aware of all the Public Infrastructure that had been created and well maintained by our Grandparents and their Predecessors, built by beneficent governments and the people that supported and endorsed those governments,... Public Healthcare, Education, Industry, Transportation, Research and Development, Communications, Import/Export, and other Public Institutions built to ensure that Canadians and future generations of Canadians would not have to live in Abject Poverty,.... SOLD AT A LOSS TO PRIVATE CORPORATIONS that immediately jacked all the rates on everything, partitioned and monetized the infrastructure, went to wars against the Unions, harassed and threatened employees into submission or excommunication, threatened the death and/or removal of our economic and public infrastructure and institutions and HELD IT FOR RANSOM, ... ... ... Baby Doomers!!! overwhelmingly endorsed Brian Mulroney, for three (?) terms, and by the time the next generation came of age there was nothin left to vote for,... all the collateral of the Nation, was now in physical possession of the bankers, in exchange for the loan on your retirement castle in the sky,... and if you dont think the Banksters arent gonna take that away from you before youre dead, you aint mistaken (triple negative :D),.... Youve condemned your children to poverty, and your grandchildren to slavery, in an international open air penitentiary, and if you think the powers that be are gonna let you live in your fantasy, while your descendants wither in our poverty, supporting your addiction to comfort and luxury, subject to oppressive and egregious penalty, from the guard-dogs watching over me, If I should not comply immediately, with Your demands to Task and Tax me Well past the point the point of perpetuity, to infinite inter-generational heredity, Poison the Birth-Right!, instead of a legacy, All the poor children inherit debt-slavery,... While you abide in distanced and gated security, the fence that secures you imprisons me, Though you wont hear it, nor will you see, I have news for you, sunshine,... Youre trapped in the same cage as me, except, I can see you, and so can we,... jfr I
Posted on: Sat, 24 Jan 2015 20:21:03 +0000

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