Ive got to love this busy life I choose to lead! Its finally - TopicsExpress


Ive got to love this busy life I choose to lead! Its finally downtime and I have had the chance to gather my thoughts. Yesterday was a roller coaster to put it mildly. I wont rehash it all but I would like to make some key points. *Sometimes last minute changes suck. You have to decide how you are going to deal with changes when they come. *Sometimes people suck as well, they certainly can be cruel. *Boosters. Our sports teams have theirs and our teachers do too, theyre called the Parent Teacher Support Group. When teachers, and coaches who are teachers, have a classroom need or a professional development need that their budget cannot accommodate the PTSG is many times able to grant their requests from the funds raised at our events, Spiritwear, and even through the Community Outreach we began participating in these past few years. Doing our part to improve our childrens educational experience in the Marshfield School District, even if that means purchasing additional iPads or Chromebooks for the sake of a one to one lesson or improved internet accessibility is our mission. It is about ALL of the kids, pre-k thru 12. No group, class, or teacher considered more important than any one else, but all considered equally if we have the opportunity to meet their needs. And guess what? You all play a part in the success of this mission. Last night is a glowing example of this as we just found out at 6:30 am that the incredibly critical and necessary 2.5 hrs we usually have to set up for Carnival had been cut down to 1 hr 15 minutes. I sent out a plea, Miss Case sent out a plea, and so did Mrs. Taylor to ask anyone who was available from 5-6 to please show up and help us get the gymnasium ready. AND BOY DID PEOPLE SHOW!!! When also adding in the students from the extension center and those from FCCLA, the High School Administration and Mr Thomas we got everything moved, set up, and ready to roll with about 10 minutes to spare! Community members came through and so did Marshfield Staff. I offer you a heartfelt thanks. You truly dont know how much it means. My own children have literally grown up hauling or setting up these events or sitting in various meetings because I truly believe all kids matter. My husband has supported me, sometimes just by agreeing to let us get through this one and then well have a break. I have met amazing people throughout these years. I have had the chance to work with some of them and have been blessed to call a few of them very dear friends. Their support has carried me when I stumbled and theyve let me bounce countless crazy ideas off them. So, like I said, Thank You Marshfield. -RR
Posted on: Sat, 08 Mar 2014 23:27:40 +0000

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