Ive gotten much more defensive of the government programs many - TopicsExpress


Ive gotten much more defensive of the government programs many people on the right scream about as being socialism and entitlements... things I paid into my entire working life, When I know that the reason these programs are short of liquid assets is because they are held in treasury bonds to a tune of about 16% of the national debt. Im really sick of hearing how China is going to own us because of the 8% that they are desperately trying to unload because we have become an unstable nonproductive nation of children cowering in fear at things we could easily handle if we pulled together and pulled our collective heads from our asses.. But to paraphrase Donald Rumsfeld, You deal with the world with the life youve got, not the life you want. My brother the Marine would say, adapt and overcome And as any engineer can tell you tolerance has its limits... It is getting difficult for me to comprehend how people can toss out random facts and numbers... which they seems to have no idea what they mean but are outraged by and think that they in and of themselves some how prove something. And then there is a tendency Ive noticed in the current masters of the left to leave out important details. Like... if you like your current insurance policy you can keep it... This completely left out several important details like, ...you can keep it as long as that policy meet the laws minimum requirement for coverage and the provider continues to offer it... Or, ... if you like your doctor you can keep your doctor. Again lets just forget about the fact doctors could opt out and choose not to participate or that your doctor can release you as a patient or sell his practice to a doctor youve never met... Maybe they thought that people knew this was true even before the ACA was passed... but the talking points were both misleading and deceptive. The problem with these approaches is that they confuse what could be clear by throwing out meaningless facts and half truths... all carefully manufactured by the marketing wings of the primary political players to keep you thinking you are informed and connected to whats going on... but sadly you are anything but connected or informed.
Posted on: Wed, 05 Nov 2014 22:03:56 +0000

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