Ive had an interesting time dragging John Banks through the High - TopicsExpress


Ive had an interesting time dragging John Banks through the High Court in Auckland and watching the national Party Glitterati supporting their crook from the rear of the Court, his champion in Chief being a pinched lipped Michele Boag dripping in Gold and expensive hand bags that cannot a silk purse make. Its been weird being back in court again in a somewhat different position! In my twenties I was regularly dragged through the system for Anti Apartheid action and Ant- Nuclear protests on the Hauraki Gulf and a lot of those emotions came flooding back. I used to hate the uncertainty of what would happen and I admit I worried about it more than a bit at the time! I saw all of those emotions sweeping across John Bankss face at different timesduring this case and I admit to a fair old dose of Schadenfreude. Team Penny Bright , Graham McCready and Jacquelyne Taylor Karen Jones Kriez Cuevas Grant Insley and the rest of you, Well done. I think we have just made history. I look back 30 years on us making this country Nuclear Free and our principled stand against Apartheid with enormous pride . I think in the future we will look back and say Remember those days outside the High Court? A scurrying Banks? The Bucket of Dirt, one outside the Court and heaps of it during the trial? Justice when won tastes very sweet.
Posted on: Fri, 06 Jun 2014 21:25:34 +0000

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