Ive had quite a number of messages lately from people who are - TopicsExpress


Ive had quite a number of messages lately from people who are tired of their health being in a less than shiny condition and asking for little bits of advice on ways to make a start in the right direction - simply by doing that, the start has been made!! Im no pro at this of course, these people have just observed the changes in my life since I started this road and I, for whatever reason, have helped inspire them. Ive emailed this so many times lately I thought I may as well just status it! My very basic first level of advice is this: Make small changes to improve your health (or in fact any area of your life from health to finances to changing your outlook from glass half empty to half full!) Weve become such an instant society. No patience. Everything now!! We want our diets to work instantly, the gym to miraculously make us fit straight away... And when these things take too long we get bored and dismiss them as a waste of time. Your health and wellbeing is worth the effort. If you want a long and healthy life you need to maintain your souls vessel. Want to see your great grand kids? Sure you do. Make SMALL changes. One thing every week or month. Dont overwhelm yourself. Start by simply making a concerted effort to drink more water. Push through the first few days where you feel youre drowning! Slowly you find youre drinking less fizz and coffee - youll be feeling less sluggish because youre well hydrated. Your skin begins to look less dull and old. Your eyes are brighter (and youve lost those bags right?!) When drinking plenty of good fluids has become a habit change something else. Progress of any kind is made by constantly moving forward - no matter the pace. Give yourself a year or more to attain the level of health and fitness you desire. Change things slowly, form good habits and toss out the bad habits one by one. As you start to feel great, youll want to do more - you get the ball rolling and then you become addicted to the feel good factor! Youll be amazed by your new self when you look back at the old you ( the one who said it was all just too hard, the one that was going to meet his/her maker nearly ten years before the new improved version!) Thats all :) Mumma x
Posted on: Wed, 04 Dec 2013 20:03:38 +0000

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