Ive had so much go on since becoming pregnant with Summer. I had a - TopicsExpress


Ive had so much go on since becoming pregnant with Summer. I had a miscarriage in May 2013 & found out I was pregnant again in August 2013. I was considered high risk because the last miscarriage and health issues. I spotted in the first trimester and then I went into labor preterm which unfortunately was stopped. They stopped it and my baby was already in position. She stayed that way for a little over 6 weeks. She was born with her hip and knee dislocated which could have been prevented if the ultrasounds were checked properly and my labor hadnt of been stopped. My daughter now also has torticollis (a head tilt). She has to see specialist and go to physical therapy. Pikeville also forgot to do her blood work the day she was born and didnt notice until she was 3 months old. They called on Saturday and demanded I had it done that day. She couldve had blood abnormalities or anything and we would have never known. I got on the depo shot afterwards. I have officially been bleeding for 20 weeks as of today. I have went to the e.r and the doctor. The dr never physically checked me at my 6 week follow up or anything. Both said the bleeding is just a side effect from my birth control and they couldnt do anything. That I have to let the birth control get out of my system then it would stop. I switched doctors today and come to find out I now have to have a d & c surgical procedure done. Needless to say everything could have been prevented and it was all because neglect. I will not go back to any of the Pikeville OBGYNs again if I plan to have a child. Dr. Mullins didnt help with the miscarriage and Im not happy with the way Dr. Maggard and Dr. McGuire done things either.
Posted on: Tue, 02 Sep 2014 18:54:43 +0000

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