Ive had to ban around 10 people in the last 24 hours for using - TopicsExpress


Ive had to ban around 10 people in the last 24 hours for using inappropriate language and being disrespectful to others. Im posting the rules - again - for the new folks weve had join us and for those who have forgotten. PLEASE read them all. ~Red 1. BE REPECTFUL! If you are disrespectful – you will be banned. 2. We do NOT allow the F-word or GD – in ANY form. No abbreviations, changed spellings, etc. This is grossly inappropriate and disrespectful – see #1. 3. Do NOT insult our admin, our page or our posts. This is our page. Our owner (~Chassidy) gives the admin rules for our posting. We adhere to these rules and appreciate them. We post many different styles of trucks, decorations and music. We also like hunting, fishing, the 2nd Amendment, GOD and country. Several of us are from the South – and we like it that way. ;) BUT we believe country IS country wide – not just southern. If ANY of this bothers you, scroll past it or unlike the page. If you do not like our posts or page, please unlike the page. Insulting us is disrespectful – see #1. 4. Do NOT call names – anyone on any post or comment. This is disrespectful – see #1. 5. You are free to POLITELY express your opinion. By the same token – SO ARE OTHERS. Play nice. Otherwise – you are being disrespectful – see #1. 6. Do NOT post links to your page or products. This is not a marketplace for you to sell things. We have worked hard to design, copyright and/or partner with other businesses. If you post your links without permission, it is disrespectful – see #1. 7. Do NOT correct our grammar and/or spelling. Many of our posts are pics that were designed by others. Some of our captions are typed on phones and mistakes do happen. We are NOT perfect but we do not go to your comments and correct them – even when you incorrectly try to correct us. Being a Grammar Nazi (yes-I used it) ruins the funny stuff for others and takes away from the gist of the post. No – not all rednecks, southerners or country folk are stupid or can’t spell and we do not tolerate people insinuating such or publicly correcting everyone. This is disrespectful – see #1. 8. If you have a problem with an order you have placed, please (nicely) let us know and we will get you the appropriate Customer Service number. If you get snippy with us or accuse us of fraud, you are being disrespectful – see #1. This is a family page. We like to have fun and be silly sometimes - such as ~R’s “fish” post. We know there are fish without the letter A. We like to do things like that to see how many types you post, encourage involvement and let our hair down for a while. (An added bonus to you – the more you like, comment or share – the more we show up in your news feed.) We usually (99% of the time) put thought into our pics and posts. We want you to be able to look at our page and NOT worry about whom all may see it. Please, please, please be respectful. We don’t like banning people. Thank you all for your cooperation and participation with our page.
Posted on: Sat, 08 Mar 2014 00:25:00 +0000

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