Ive heard it said by self-described real deal conservatives in the - TopicsExpress


Ive heard it said by self-described real deal conservatives in the past that concepts such as dhimmitude and sharia law will never take root in America. Yet, history shows us that many of the restrictions to our liberty and way of life heretofore unimaginable are with us today. Many of those infringements upon freedom have their genesis in academia. It is unfortunate that Brandeis University has chosen to follow the path of coercion and cowardice. As a longstanding member of higher learning in this nation, we would expect Brandeis to uphold academias lofty reputation of intellectual freedom, of tolerance for differing opinion, of the concept of universality. The modern Western academy may give lip service to such virtues; but, its actions only reveal the opposite. Western Civilization, here and in Europe, inexorably arms our enemies with the tools of our ultimate destruction. Whether through the embrace of progressivism and statism, or the craven acceptance of Eastern values that run contrary to every belief we once held as sacred and true for the maximization of individual liberty, we are surrendering our culture and very lives to tyranny. It is happening on a multitude of fronts. Those in possession of the organs of Government and culture are either in denial, ignorance, or acceptance of the surrender. The rescinding of Ayaan Hirsi Alis honorary degree in and of itself is a minor offense. The attitude behind the rescinding, the mindset it reveals in our academia, speaks to a much more pervasive and dangerous sickness in America. As Im fond of saying, no manner of political victories in Washington will repair the Republic. We are beyond a political solution, for our Government is a reflection of its citizens. It is a reflection of our beliefs, our attitudes -- and our lack of willingness to acknowledge our personal and national sins. Our Government can be rejuvenated to work more like it did at our Founding. It will not happen, though, unless and until we come to terms with the plethora of illnesses we suffer as a society. The questions to ourselves are simple: Do we really believe in the superiority of individual liberty over statism? Do we believe in a culture of individual responsibility combined with moral restraint, or do we view all behaviors and cultures as being equally valid -- with the more savage and vulgar ones as more equal than others? America is in the midst of a gigantic mid-life crisis. If we cannot rein ourselves in and return to the goodness of our youth, the gig is up. All that will be left is the management of our destruction.
Posted on: Wed, 09 Apr 2014 17:33:45 +0000

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