Ive heard many a wise man/ women say , Thoughts are things. & - TopicsExpress


Ive heard many a wise man/ women say , Thoughts are things. & thinking bout it long enough, of course! Every single thing has come from a conscious thought! EVERYTHING! But this is not prayer! > When there is NO past , hanging around your neck like a rock. And there is NO future, hungering you away from THIS MOMENT NOW. When this moment NOW is all there is: This is prayer. With the practice of silence,(thought accumulation) , one can hurl a thought threw the air, like a rock, hitting a person 3000 miles away. Thought move faster than the speed of light , needs no space, so it takes no time to connect. But still , this is not prayer! In fear, focusing on negative situations , like starvation, poverty, oppression. Gathering in numbers to dwell on such things is not prayer! In fact its probably manifesting the sad situations more! Is dangerous! Shrouded in each others sounds of sheer ignorance ,re-enforcing blind eyes with some IDEA, that , ..and now we are going to pray. The putting the hands together has been forgotten, & dismissed as just a simple natural body language. Its a gesture that arises, naturally, when a being is asking for confidence from another. Its simplicity has been blown into a hocus pocus of a glorified illusions. When somebody knows something more, in trying to explain, their hand almost unknowingly, like a reflex, will come together while they are talking. Especially if they are very sure of what they are trying to convey. Ex: Come on, PUT YOUR HANDS TOGETHER IN WARM WELCOME,(confidence) of my man, the one and only CHRIST! or whom ever could use support from the peops ,..put your hands together.. take them apart. Put them together. Take them apart. Rapidly, this is clapping. An energetic phenomenon that changes the very air into excepting or bringing all focus in the room into HERE NOW when you do it! Clapping=is closer to prayer, than getting together in mass numbers, mumbling to the self 7 eachother, I dont know how to take care of the worlds problems so: YOU do it, please I beg you, imagined source of answers! Prayer comes & goes, freely. Like a Bald Eagle, if you are lucky, you can acknowledge it, engraining you being. But you can not put it in a cage and drag it around , or to a building and let it out saying, And now we are going to pray!. Quite simply, the only way the true mystic can explain the nature of prayer is : It is like a song that comes to your lips, and suddenly, you are singing. It is like a dance. Or: When the wind blows, you can feel it in your hairs or as it caresses your skin. You can see it in the walk of some one engaged in true prayer. THEY seem to lift 2 inches above the ground! So be mindful of your thoughts, they are things. Possibly the size of Texas, floating the Pacific Ocean. Awareness of the affect of positivity is of utmost importance if you choose to try to think. Because thoughts, like rocks can cause many waves for HIS children to negotiate. Takes them away from their PRAYER! That is yours! Stop it! THOUGHTS arent yours to begin with. All thought has been broadcasted already. Give it up! Enter into the state of HERE RIGHT NOW ALWAY, just feel what will happen... PRAYER!! = When Peace flies on beating wings to settle deep within your soul! Catch it! But dont hold on to it, because its free! This is prayer!
Posted on: Fri, 21 Mar 2014 17:35:27 +0000

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