Ive just been informed that my quarterly visits with my daughter - TopicsExpress


Ive just been informed that my quarterly visits with my daughter will be cut to a single supervised visit per year, and a Skype call on her birthday. Why? Because, thats why. Parents, if you love your children, dont make my mistake. Dont ever, EVER sign your rights away. Maybe you think it would be better for your child not to grow up in a split home. Maybe you believe your ex will be reasonable. Maybe you still have residual love for them. Maybe you think they can be trusted not to hurt you in the most cruel, selfish, and destructive way possible. Im here to tell you, Its a mistake. Something changes, and the person you once loved and trusted with everything dies. Do not give the person who replaces them that much power over you and your child. Any chance that they will abuse it is too high to risk. Keep your rights, fight for visitation, pay the child support. Because believe me, as bad as it is, the alternative is worse. It is the only regret I carry.
Posted on: Mon, 05 Jan 2015 17:56:21 +0000

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