Ive just sent my email to Transport NSW. Hope it helps. If you - TopicsExpress


Ive just sent my email to Transport NSW. Hope it helps. If you have been thinking about having your say, please take a few minutes today to send your comments through. Dear Transport NSW, Mr Baird and Ms. Berejiklian, The good news is: Sydney has one of the most beautiful harbours in the world. Currently, and for the first time in years, commuters to and from Manly can choose from three services being the two fast ferry operators and Sydney Ferries (Harbour City Ferries). In addition to the Manly – Circular Quay run, the fast ferry operators include destinations such as Darling Harbour, Pyrmont, Jeffrey Street, Fort Denison, Taronga Zoo, Watsons Bay and Quarantine Station and operate on weekends. These services take literally thousands of people onto the harbour – but more importantly - off the congested Sydney roads each week. Both fast ferry operators both provide clean, efficient, reliable and friendly services. They both have exemplary customer service, conduct surveys. I know that Sydney Fast Ferries have a suggestion box. The fast ferries do not strike or hold stop work meetings that inconvenience passengers. What’s wrong with any of this? Nothing, absolutely nothing! So why does NSW Government want to reduce us to only one fast ferry provider? That’s where the bad news comes in: Both fast ferry operators have worked hard to build up their customer base and respond to our needs. Both operators are very well supported and patronised. Why should either company be punished for succeeding where Sydney Ferries have failed miserably over so many years? Two other companies are tendering. Why? We already have two very efficient and reliable fast ferry operators. This tender is for the Manly to Circular Quay run. If for example, Manly Fast Ferries are not successful, where does that leave passengers who travel to other destinations such as Darling Harbour, Pyrmont? Under this proposal, there would be one fast ferry operator operating from one wharf only but providing the services currently offered by the two providers. I understand in peak times this will require a turnaround time of just 12 minutes, to dock, unload incoming passengers and load departing passengers. This may be realistic on a perfect day if each passenger load comprised of 200 fit twenty-something year olds, carrying nothing more than an iPhone. However the reality is that on any journey people carry luggage, have prams, children, umbrellas, may use a walking stick or be on crutches. It’s called life. By using only the main wharf at Manly, the customers who currently use the fast ferry from the finger wharf at Manly will have to queue on the main Manly Wharf concourse for either the fast ferry or Sydney Ferry. Especially in the busy summer season, this will add to the crush of people on the Manly Wharf concourse. This will not be pleasant or amenable or safe from a health and safety perspective. It will not enhance what is often the first experience of Manly for our visitors, nor be a pleasant welcome home at for regular commuters at the end of the day. The two current fast ferry operators compete and offer affordable fares. Weekday daytime services will be offered under this tender, but the off peak lower fares currently enjoyed by daytime travelers or the reverse peak lower fares cannot be guaranteed. Why should the customers be penalised and pay more? For over 25 years I have travelled to work by ferry only, having travelled on Sydney Ferries, the hydrofoils, the jetcats and now the fast ferries. Like many other passengers I faced the abuse and intimidation of the picket line of the MUA when Manly Fast Ferries started on the Circular Quay-Manly run, which remains in my opinion one of the most despicable acts ever – abusing people for their choice of travel is a low act and very un-Australian. This new tender will again remove choice from Manly commuters and will severely impact the livelihood of one (or possibly both) of the existing fast ferry operators. I call upon Mr. Baird, Ms. Berejiklian and Transport New South Wales to scrap this ridiculous tender. Not to do so will be a giant step backwards for northern beaches commuters and transport in Sydney. Please leave our existing services as they are. “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it”.
Posted on: Tue, 18 Nov 2014 21:58:41 +0000

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