Ive just upgraded my computer from Peppermint OS Four to - TopicsExpress


Ive just upgraded my computer from Peppermint OS Four to Peppermint OS Five. PM5 was released 23 June 2013. This is based on Lubuntu 14.04 LTS, (LongTermSupport). This means Peppermint OS will be supported 5 years. That is April 2019. All I can say is, wow! I thought it would be hard to improve on PM4 but the developers at Peppermint OS have managed it. If there are still any WinXP users still trying to make up their minds on which direction to take. Pause for a moment and take a serious look at the very powerful and sleek Peppermint OS Five. It could save you a whole heap of money because it is an Open Source project. This means it is free of the licencing restrictions that Windows and Mac have. You can legally do what you want with it. It is also free as in you dont have buy it. It is very easy to install and configure. No anti-virus or anti-malware software needed. This is because Peppermint OS Five is a Linux based operating system. Linux is by design naturally far more secure than MS Windows and even OSX. This is a huge plus for peace of mind. There is more than amble support from the Peppermint User Forums. These are very friendly and welcoming to Linux newcomers or, nOObs as they are affectionately know. If you are interested in running cutting edge technology that is super secure and very cool. Check out Peppermint OS Five, you will be in for a very pleasant surprise :-). peppermintos/
Posted on: Sat, 28 Jun 2014 06:48:30 +0000

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