Ive kinda took a back seat away from Facebook since the result of - TopicsExpress


Ive kinda took a back seat away from Facebook since the result of yesterdays vote going the way of those that wished to see Scotland remain part of the United Kingdom, it was the opinion of the majority of the people of Scotland. Why couldnt the Nationalists accept it ? I was heading home yesterday and was astonished to find loads of them still wallowing in self pity in George Square at tea time, they would have been well aware that the victors of the vote were going to head to the square in celebration of their win. But no, they decided to hang around and then get all hysterical when the mass convoy of the No voters, many bedecked in the flag of Great Britain that they so detest duly arrived just after 6pm to take over the square. The Nationalists had already enjoyed full occupation of the square for two full nights of pre vote rallys, I had no issue with it. They got all the conditions they asked for in the vote including the Yes/ No term which would always make anyone looking in from the outside believe NO was a term for Negative...16 and 17 years olds were permitted to vote and those brave Scottish soldiers that are asked to put their lives were shamefully denied the right to vote.. Last nights bother was sadly always going to happen, regardless of how the vote went, it is a social problem, not just confined to the West of Scotland. I have seen various clips of footage and its shameful, however despite the facts that the bother is between both camps it is the ones with Union Flags that are getting much of the blame. Had the result went the other way the Unionists would have been castigated showing up and not accepting the defeat with any dignity, why has this not been levelled at the Nationalist ? I can understand the feelings of Unionists being sickened by chants of stick yer Union Flag up your arse, Brits out, etc but to those that became violent and used the occasion as an excuse for a rammy, shame on you, you do not represent me or anything that I or the the things I hold dear stand for. You have simply brought shame on those that have tried so damn hard to win this ballot and the right to remain part of the great Union. Thanks a bunch ! Hopefully there can be an outbreak of common sense and decency in this fractured Nation of ours and we can get back to some kind of sanity. Best of British to one and all ;-)
Posted on: Sat, 20 Sep 2014 12:21:05 +0000

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