Ive known about Dr Carson for years and was blown away by his - TopicsExpress


Ive known about Dr Carson for years and was blown away by his video and book Gifted Hands first Neurosurgeon to separate conjoined twins. I love to listen to others with different opinions now because it makes me get up and look from a different place in the room. I used to love to get into it with everyone over everything I never learned a thing now I try to listen to everyone providing they have the guts to discuss things with an open heart so we can both hear each others point of veiw. Im a believer in Yeshua and a Jew and I have had it out with a few of my Christian friends who are asking why cant we get more people in our church to help. I told them well you know why people are angry at Christianity ?? Why dont you look to the past, how many Jews did you kill in the name of Christ. How many afro Americans have been killed brutally coming here and to Europe as Slaves and everywhere else, again in the name of Christ, which by the way is not His Hebrew name. What about the American Indians who were cheated out of there land but this crap has been going on since the beginning of time by all races and religions. I went on to say to these people who are basically well meaning. Everyone has beef some more than others but until you learn to listen with compassion and an open heart Nothing Will will be Healed and actually admit that what they are saying might and or does have truth in it, harsh as it may be ADMIT IT. Dont keep denying Its hard to open our hearts to each other and be open but until we do were done. I would add in the the Middle East too, what was done there by the Catholics ( and finally now Pope IMO) who has the guts to own up and fess up to what the so called Holy Order has hidden for eons what a disgrace but to me there is a Saint but he would never want himself to be called that. And the Crusades give me a break. Europe included and America and their Greed. I get it, but if we keep blaming she did it he did it they did it. Well never get anywhere. Then we can let games continue and it will be a ruin. Thats what He really meant by dont hate you dont have to like but you dont gave to hate . I love what Dr John said recently religion is the worst thing that has happened to God again good hearted well meaning people in all religions. And Atheists too. Read what Dr Carson said. He is all inclusive. Im not saying its ok to kill our neighbor or beat the crap out of each other either or do harm which I have been guilty of and more. There is an evil and the best way is to break up families And then work on everything else. Ok enough Bob Amen or whatever you say is kool with me. Im still trying to learn
Posted on: Thu, 23 Oct 2014 05:00:50 +0000

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