Ive lived long enough to learn that when you feel an imaginary tap - TopicsExpress


Ive lived long enough to learn that when you feel an imaginary tap on your shoulder you should pay attention! Some of my most valuable life lessons learned have been because I was aware enough to pay attention to the metaphorical tap on my shoulder. This past month has been very stressful for me physically and emotionally. Stress levels hit an all time high and my reactions are always physically and emotion based. As usual, you begin to feel sorry for yourself and are not as grateful or aware of your blessed life as you should be! Today I had an aha moment! After slowly dragging myself to a departmental holiday cookie exchange at work, I participated but just wanted to take my filled cookie tin home and keep moping around. As I got into my car, in the parking lot next to our building, I looked across the street and saw an older homeless woman, by herself, crouching in the doorway of an empty storefront. She had covered herself with a tarp in an attempt to stay warm and dry from the cold and rain. I shook my head, chastising myself for my mood, and pulled the car across the street to the storefront. Reaching into my bag, I pulled out the tin of homemade cookies, got out of the car, and, saying Merry Christmas and bless you to the woman I explained where the cookies had come from and that I wanted her to have them. She smiled, thanked me and wished me a Merry Christmas. The lesson of this story is, be grateful for what you have, share it with those less fortunate, and know that youre blessed to have the family, friends and co-workers you have in your meaningful life. I know my higher power gave me a needed tap on the shoulder today and Im glad that I was able to get the message!!! Have a safe, blessed and happy holiday season!
Posted on: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 22:56:06 +0000

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