Ive loved spending this time in school analyzing Christian art and - TopicsExpress


Ive loved spending this time in school analyzing Christian art and the immense amount of pagan undertones and pagan symbolism in almost every Christian expression. Almost every relation to Christ is also to the sun or some Piscine symbol with remainders being, as historians say, propaganda that was developed for the interests of the elite to keep social cohesion. Even after all this history, I am blown away when believers say there is no way Christianity was derived from pagan beliefs. As if all those script writers could not have used pagan allegories to form miracles in their literature and prophesy or rather predict the coming of the sun (the Christ) so closely to its birth into a new age of Pisces. For example, did you know that on December 22nd the sun is swallowed by the constellation Piscis Austrinus, also known by the Greeks as the great fish, and stays with this sign for 3 days, only to be coughed up over the horizon on December 25th? ... No Steven! Our story is the only True story! These bronze age writers werent writing poetically about astrological and natural events! No way! A bunch of male script writers would never be so illiteral! It makes sense and is way more robust that donkeys really did speak and a man survived in a great fish for three days! *face palm* *face palm* (makes me wonder if this class is really happening at all at an accredited school or Im just making it all up)
Posted on: Thu, 25 Sep 2014 21:53:41 +0000

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