Ive made a lot of mistakes in my life and made bad choices Im not - TopicsExpress


Ive made a lot of mistakes in my life and made bad choices Im not perfect, I love everyone unconditionally. I never lie to anyone I tell the truth and of course that gets me in trouble, I keep lots of secrets coz ppl confide in me and TRUST me. My life since 2003 has been nothing but down hill, 2010 I became real sick with lots of health problems and some ppl will look at me are talk behind my back (she dont look or act sick) theres nothin wrong with her, your right I may not act it or look it but this battle will not get to me and Im not dead. I was 9 yrs old when I started working in a cafe in Comanche Tx called Lolas cafe I also mowed yards cleaned houses by the time I was 12 I was a mang at Karens restaurant she trusted me with her lively hood and gave me a key to open, when school was in I worked evenings and wknds, summers when I wasn;t in Ft Worth with my Daddy for summer break I worked full time at Karens. Things happened in my life at 15 I ran away from home and went to school in Odessa till the end of 12th grade, I didnt finished school At That Time from that point on I worked hard and gave my all to ne employment I was working for. I finally Moved to Austin early 80s worked security and was working as a DJ for the most awesome ppl I had ever met at Nexus/PJs. I worked there for many yrs and had quit security started working at GAS Company and DJ at night I was in a relationship for 6 yrs with a gal that worked at the bar, after we broke up and bar closed tks to the City :( I met Staci one night at the new lil bar that was opened she came down from Indiana with her sister and mutal friends of ours Bood and BJ introduced us. We hit it off and we dated long distance 6 months to a yr and she finally moved to Austin I was still working at the gas company and we bought a house in Cedar Creek, Tx in 1994 Staci approached me and ask if we could move to Indiana, I struggled with that decision coz I had a great job had been promoted 3 times in the 4 yrs I was there. When I approached my Employer they begged me not to leave even the the big dog came to the office offered me a lot more money than I was making and at the time was good money and a better position DAMN decisions decisions I made her happy and we moved I started workin at the City there and when I went in to accept the job and the pay my new boss said have ya ever Snow Plowed lmbo I said what the hell is snow plow he said you will soon find out and yes i did I drove triaxle trucks, grader, loader, backhoe and bobcat and yes I plowed snow lol we spent 7 1/2 yrs working at the city there and helping Staci daddy farm, with a lot of heart break of loosing Stacis Aunt and finding her gpa dying in his kitchen, then her Daddy had 3 heart attacks and she became his power of attorney her responsibilities became so overbearing to her and she strayed I forgave we adopted our Son and started raising him with our horses and our small lil ranch of 4.6 acres we had a nice home and I loved our life. One day we decided it was time to come back home to Texas where we bought a house had great jobs her working in Medical and me the City. 13yrs was the best my life had ever been but was time to end it after her straying again we are now best friends and and will prolly be friends till the end. I stayed working at the city and had as always as my whole life put 150% in my work as I always did relationships then in 2010 I got so sick started gettin dizzy all the time couldnt breath they say I have diabetes and COPD that all the yrs working outside with asthma, being allergic to burmuda grass and smoking cozed the COPD so you ask yourself why is RB telling us this, coz this was my life and my life from the time I was born was never easy and lots of pain and lifes struggles from a kid on and I put in my time workin and more but Im here Im strong Im ME I may be sick cant work no more but IM NOT DEAD. So when you find yourself talking behind someones back or cutting them down STOP and say wait I really don/t know that persons past to judge them. Thank you for listening and thank you for being a part of my life coz I am a great friend and person and I EXCEPT Everyone no matter what and I believe your friends thru all the struggles and arguments you may have you just jump them hurdles fill them pot holes burn them bridges and move on.
Posted on: Fri, 21 Nov 2014 22:51:51 +0000

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