Ive never been one much for subtlety, but I understand that in - TopicsExpress


Ive never been one much for subtlety, but I understand that in order to help expand peoples minds, you must first speak to them in a language they will understand. The first step to understanding reality is having it said to you in a way that you can understand and feel. Perhaps this is why so many leave the underground to reach the mainstream, while dumbing down their music and diluting their message, so that they may affect millions instead of thousands. In this way, the person who joins the mainstream is a martyr, sacrificing his artistic profoundness for a water downed version thats easier to swallow. The elitists and true fans tend to not understand this logic, all they see is someone selling out, and they react with bitterness and a snobbish superior sneer, forgetting that they got into the more complex music as a result of a mainstream band introducing them to the genre in the first place. After all, where would the metal scene be without Metallica or Slipknot to initiate the youth into metal culture? This is true for other genres, I merely gave those as examples of mainstream bands
Posted on: Sun, 06 Apr 2014 00:59:05 +0000

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