Ive never been so profoundly disturbed. Nights are spent tossing - TopicsExpress


Ive never been so profoundly disturbed. Nights are spent tossing and turning, every day is spent with a pit in my stomach. If you knew how much I just wish I could tell you that everything will be fine, dont worry but I cant I feel A very bad Gut feeling our Children, Grandchildren, great grandchildren, nieces and nephews are gonna lose the rights our fore fathers left us to build this great nation, just to see one man and his administration of hope and change destroy us all abolishing our constitution, our bill of rights, our freedom, our nation. Obamas warped ideology is destroying America and replacing it with his perverted notion of what America should be. Hes getting cockier and bolder,havent all of you noticed when our country is in desperate need of his leadership he is in vacation or compaigning for funds for his demented democrats and marching closer to Martial Law and New World Order. Please all of us should stop him now as his power is growing.why you think he is letting furgason mo burn to give him the excues for unilateral martial law nation wide. Our top military officials are gravely concerned. Rule-of-Law has been thrown out the window. Lawlessness, fraud and lies are the Obama way now. Subverting the Constitution is his M.O.As if all that were not bad enough, Obama is secretly planning to ram through Congress one of the most ambitious “free-trade agreements” ever negotiated—and let me tell you this is bad—very bad for us our nation and the rest of the free world look at Israel he dont care.. Do not take a wait and see approach. ment is the launch pad for “New World Order In just days he could be granted “fast track authority” to ram the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) through Congress with no debate and no room for proposed amendments. Obama doesnt have the power to do this but hes doing it anyway—more gross abuse of power. TPP ( Trans pacific partnership ) draft makes it abundantly clear the Obama administration fully intends to surrender US sovereignty under this agreement. If disputes arise under the TPP they would go to an international tribunal thats above the US law. Even our Supreme Court could hand down decision but they would mean nothing. Only with your help can we stop this befor it is too late Obama is deliberately weakening America. Remember how I told you he wants to surrender control of our Nation our oceans to the UN? It all fits. Major Generals, Colonels, Lieutenants, Corporals and other military officials see the writing on the wall. Theyve been hunkered down, developing a strategy to save us from the deliberate and methodical dismantling of our Republic. Obama is engaged in psychological warfare to dehumanize us, demoralize us and force us to feel overwhelmed, to throw up our hands and tune out. Our military knows this strategy when they see it. They know the set up to Martial Law. Retired Maj. Gen. Paul E. Vallely has issued a call for Americans to fight Barack Hussein Obamas tyranny—to stand up and tell the government NO and call for a vote of no confidence. Its up to us.Patriot Americans Million of us Mobilizing at marches through out all the states send massive amount of letters, emails, faxes and call campaign headquartes, politicians, do peaceful rallys.let them know we the people demand to leave our constitution alone and support our allys not the terrorist countrys who have said we are next wake up people Nearly 200 military officers have been relieved of duty since Obama took office generals and flag officers included, proving Obama is actively PURGING the military in unprecedented numbers. Hes getting rid of those loyal to America and her Constitution, replacing them with those loyal only unto him, the king. Military personnel who speak out are being silenced, their promotions denied. He cut a stunning $1.3 trillion from the Pentagon budget and continuing on a path to degrade and demoralize the military. Its all part of his radical second term plan to weaken us, make us vulnerable to attack. Please, I beg you. Its bad. Hes put us veterans, Christians and patriotic Americans on an extremist watch list. Hes cutting military benefits, yet welcoming illegals, letting them feast from the public trough. All while Pelosi says we must embrace the suck. Appalling. If this infuriates you then do something join a group send your mail fax phone calls to all politicians dont just sit in your couch and complain piss and moan get up stand up speak up. america is in a free-fall that must be stopped! Were able to organize rallies, demonstrations and protests purely because of you, our loyal Patriots. But we cant do a thing until we all step up put our cards on the table and demand he step down with all his administration with evil idealogy for america Do not wait. Martial Law and New World Order are coming—hes setting us up for it now. Our military is under attack...gun confiscation has begun...a movement is underway to put Obama in for a third term...and hes setting the stage for New World Order—to surrender US sovereignty. We have to stop him no matter what it takes...but theres no way we can do it without our own support and stance. Look, we have letters, emails and faxes to get out. Phone calls to make across America, alerting innocent, unsuspecting citizens of Obamas radical, demonic, twisted second term plans willfly diverted. He creates scandals just to deflect our attention look at fergason mo has he gone and talk to all the people hell no he is waiting for the moment to declare martial law wake up every one He runs lawless, issues Executive Orders, makes dangerous moves without anyone knowing...until its too late. We cant let up.we must stand up this is a nation by us the people we the people united we stand divided we fall good night God bless all of you and as you sleep think about our nation please
Posted on: Sat, 16 Aug 2014 01:43:42 +0000

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