Ive never understood how an American could defend Zionism, which - TopicsExpress


Ive never understood how an American could defend Zionism, which defies so many of our deeply embedded beliefs. The idea that people of various nationalities but a shared religion have a right to take over a land and expel people who have lived there for countless generations is deeply, deeply offensive. And the practice of Zionism has been even more offensive than its philosophy (in the beginning, many naive followers did believe the propaganda that Palestine was a vacant, not heavily populated, land). Even the Palestinians who managed to remain and become Israeli citizens (their population is about 20 percent, a number that worries Israels far right) do not have all the rights of other Israeli citizens, or the rights that we consider inviolable in our nation. That includes property rights (Land Day marks massive confiscations from Israeli Arabs). Israeli leaders, for world consumption, offer failed justifications for random killings but dont even think of apologizing for massive property destruction. A decade or two ago, several high Israeli government officials admitted that they tried to make life in the occupied territories as miserable as possible so many Palestinians would voluntarily leave. They also acknowledged that it didnt work, that it even backfired by further radicalizing the population. Now, they still want to keep as much of the land as possible and somehow have an overwhelmingly Jewish majority (when Netanyahu, in a precondition to negotiations, demands that Israel be recognized as a Jewish state, Palestinians see it as a prelude to ethnic cleansing). Even Sharon, an intensely evil man, finally admitted those two goals were incompatible. Israel can achieve both goals only by expelling or killing many, many Palestinians. Israel has created its enemies (few Americans seem to remember how Israelis cultivated a religious alternative to the PLO, for a pliable negotiating partner -- which didnt work out all that well for them). It has earned its enemies, and it deserves them. Americans who dont know the history dont realize how stunning Israeli hypocrisy can be. An Israel who decries terrorism might commemorate the bombing of the King David Hotel, an undeniable act of terrorism. Ive long argued that Arab-Israeli peace may not be possible until an Israeli generation emerges that will admit the evils that were used to found the state. There is a bit of ambivalence now (according to polls), with many Israelies uneasy about their founders actions but saying they were necessary to create a state. Though Im a longtime, committed anti-Zionist, I find a lot of common ground with people of good will who want to achieve peace despite their opposing viewpoints. That path forward is pretty clear. And it has to include justice for both sides.
Posted on: Thu, 31 Jul 2014 21:40:10 +0000

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