Ive never understood why my life before gavin, even existed. 95% - TopicsExpress


Ive never understood why my life before gavin, even existed. 95% of them wasnt even around after the age of 13. when everything changed. my step dad john. after one visit after the divorce he said ' i have a new family now, i wont be in your life anymore. he was my dad from 3 to 13. i understand now what a difference having your own flesh and blood son, and not. my mother, who is pissed i tried to get her help that i cannot supply. know with everything going on she kept saying kharma is why im going through all this. yep, my mother. my uncle thinks im trying to milk her dry because my landlord demands her pay half the electric bill cause she was living in the house but says she owes nothing. just today she said it was kharma paying me back. im trying to get this bull straightened out with my ex. i love you mom, but i will not be your scapegoat. to everyone else out there. IF YOU DONT HAVE SOMETHING NICE TO SAY TO ME THEN KEEP YOUR TRAP SHUT.
Posted on: Sat, 22 Jun 2013 23:59:53 +0000

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