Ive not made this common knowledge but Richard Fairclough and I - TopicsExpress


Ive not made this common knowledge but Richard Fairclough and I have been facing a horrendous ordeal with our dogs. Last May we went to Wellington to pick Jess Patu-Hindes up from LSV. We left the dogs with a friend who will remain nameless. But alas they got out somehow and went up the road and duly put a few puncture wounds in a bijon. Obviously we were gutted the event even happened, apologised and offered to pay any vet costs on the night it all happened. Bewildered as to how they even got out. Anyone in the know knows our place is like fort knocks. Anyway, the owner of the Bijon didnt like the fact the Dog ranger allowed us to keep our dogs till the matter was resolved. The owner made so much noise the council decided to let the courts decide. So off to court we go. Richard and I spent countless hours getting references, taking photos of dogs, fencing the works. We had a behavioural report done on the girls and amped up our walking and training sessions to help curb any undesirable behaviour stemming from their rumble up the road. We went to court today and the verdict was, No destruction of any dogs. $650 fine per charge per dog. So two charges per dog making a grand total of $1350 per dog. We still hold select dog and urban dog status with no other enforcements. So all the stress is finely over and we can sigh a huge sigh of relief as our dogs get to live their full lives. The judge noted we were exceptional dog owners and that there was exceptional circumstances which he took into account. A huge thank you to all our family and friends who took the time to write references to support us. Your input was invaluable. Youre most welcome to pop in for a pat and no doubt a few licks to show our gratitude. Thanks again, Sheenagh, Richard, Iwa and Ceejay.
Posted on: Tue, 28 Oct 2014 08:20:27 +0000

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