Ive noticed a peculiar phenomenon as of late. People are afraid - TopicsExpress


Ive noticed a peculiar phenomenon as of late. People are afraid to use the word Mexican. It is as though they are under the impression that a word that simply denotes a nationality is somehow akin to an ethnic slur. Oh, sure, theyll go get Mexican food at a Mexican restaurant. Theyll go on a vacation to Cabo and get some Mexican pesos. They might even mention the Mexican President. But theres no way theyre going to refer to a person as a Mexican. At first, I thought this was odd. But, upon further reflection, it made perfect sense. Ive come to have a solid understanding of white liberals over the years. Especially white limousine liberals (aka Ritz crackers). White liberals look at anybody who is not a Caucasian in much the same way as you or I would look at a child who is suffering from an incurable brain tumor: With pity and sadness. We see in that child somebody who is suffering and who will be robbed of their future, all that they could have been, and all of the happiness they might have experienced in life. The white liberal is honestly under the impression that a black person, an Asian person, or a hispanic person (especially a Mexican) stumbles to the bathroom each morning, turns on the light, and is filled with despair upon discovering that it wasnt just a bad dream and that they are, in fact, not a white person. It is unfathomable to the white liberal that any person could be whole or happy being anything other than a white liberal. And it is unthinkable that they might accomplish anything (unless, of course, the white liberal rides in on their white horse and saves the day with a bag of taxpayer money). We get the news that Johnnys last round of chemo didnt work, and that theres nothing more that can be done. And sitting with him, we talk about getting him ready for next years baseball tryouts, after hes beaten this thing. We cant say the words - to him or to ourselves. Cancer. Terminal. Nothing more that can be done. So it goes with the white liberal (or the weak conservative who takes his social cues from him). When they hear the word Mexican, they see a caricature - a loud, jolly, boisterous fat man with a ridiculously huge mustache, wearing a sombrero, peddling crappy salsa. And with that, they cant say the word - to him or to themselves. (DP)
Posted on: Fri, 29 Aug 2014 16:05:01 +0000

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