Ive noticed so many of my Christian Facebook friends who post - TopicsExpress


Ive noticed so many of my Christian Facebook friends who post messages of intolerance and judgement toward the non-Christian or Atheist. As Christians we are called to spread the gospel and bring others to know God. How are you going to spread the gospel if you delete the non-believer because they havent yet found God. There was a point in time when all of us had to make the decision to seek salvation. What makes the non believer any different than we all were at one point in our lives? What about people that werent raised to know God or taught to pray for forgiveness? Their journey to faith is a lot harder than someone who was raised to know god. As a Christian, I choose to love these people, because they need our love more than anyone else. I choose to understand them, instead of judge them. I choose to encourage them to make the decision to seek Jesus salvation. How do you encourage the non believer? You practice tolerance. You show understanding. You are willing to answer their questions and you dont make them feel silly for asking. You praise them for caring enough to ask and you dont shove it in their face. I get messages every single day from my Facebook friends asking me questions about my walk of faith. Some of them are admitted atheists. Some of them say they believe in God, but they still arent sure who God is. Some of them have faith in God, but they still want more and these people are coming to me; a woman who has admittedly just began my journey of faith. Why? Could it be, because I choose to encourage instead of discourage? Someone messaged me tonight and said, If I become a Christian, will I learn to hate and judge like them, because thats what most Christians do and I dont want to be like that. Unfortunately that is the message that many Christians send; Intolerance and judgment. As Christians we need to make sure that every message we send is sent with love, understanding and encouragement. Those are the things that will bring the non believer to Gods doorstep.
Posted on: Wed, 16 Jul 2014 02:40:00 +0000

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