Ive rapidly come to the conclusion that as far as the British - TopicsExpress


Ive rapidly come to the conclusion that as far as the British Government and the British Media are concerned they fully support the ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian people for the purpose of stealing their land and turning it into Israel. Does anyone think its actually a coincidence the Malaysian Airlines plane goes down in Ukraine and dominates the headlines at the same time Israel starts its ground invasion and kills over 100 people in a day, most of them civilians? Do you think that David Cameron threatening to put sanctions on Russia while at the same time not doing a single thing about Israel slaughtering innocents daily is an accident? Nope. Its to make sure that everyone understands that no matter what if youre Palestinian no-one is going to come save you. Its to make sure that the world sees the destruction of a people and know that theres nothing they can do to stop it. Its basically Israel and its Zionists letting the world know just how much in control they are really. How else do you explain millions protesting worldwide against the attacks on Gaza yet our politicians talk about Israels right to defend itself while its publicly killing innocent men, women, children and babies... Thats why the BBC, which is meant to be impartial and serve the public that pays for it with unbiased news, can have such a blatant Pro-Israeli Anti-Palestinian agenda without blinking an eye. The country has been bought and sold to and by the Zionists and their agenda. Its just whether we can see through the Islamists, terrorists, Trojan Horse plots and all the other lies they sell us and realise whats really going on. Its heartbreaking seeing the Western powers justifying dead Palestinian babies as collateral damage in the Zionist cause...
Posted on: Mon, 21 Jul 2014 07:51:10 +0000

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