Ive read a few folks snap on Facebook today given the outcome of - TopicsExpress


Ive read a few folks snap on Facebook today given the outcome of the midterm elections and complain how mislead the American people are, how misinformed they are and how theyve believed all the fear mongering propaganda... Bullshit. Thats the propaganda driven by blind ideology. The American people have to look no further than their bank accounts or their letters from their insurance companies. All they have to do is talk to their neighbors and commensurate; because they are in the same boat too. They look out their windows and see a world thats not safer, less production with less opportunity. They see leaders that are anything other than what they promised us theyd be. The real life Mr. and Mrs. John Q. Public, Republican or Democrat, just want to be happy and live freely. They want a government that will sustain them in their own ability to create happiness and not a government that tells them what they need to be happy. And yes they are afraid... And they are mad. But thats not driven by propaganda. Its driven by their reality. The people have spoken once again. Actually, theyve shouted from the roof tops. And we all hope the next round of leaders hear the echoes of those voices, those shouts, constantly ringing in their ears and never forget what they were elected to do.
Posted on: Thu, 06 Nov 2014 05:07:21 +0000

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