Ive read too many courtship vs dating articles today. 😬How - TopicsExpress


Ive read too many courtship vs dating articles today. 😬How about we all just use common sense and think Biblically, walking in the Spirit and not fear!?!? I think anyone looking for a system has lost it. We are lovers of Jesus and loved by Him. I desire to raise my children to be strong and independent individuals, open to loving others and not searching for significance in a spouse that they hope will make them happy. I dont want my girls waiting around for Prince Charming. He doesnt exist. I want them happy and free, loving those both in and out of the church as Jesus would. I want them meeting men and having the confidence to say no to the scumbags and sure I would love to talk over coffee! with the good ones. They dont need pre-arranged marriages, high stress courtships, or the pressure of finding the one. They dont need to sell their bodies to feel they have worth or are loved. I pray that in the course of living a full life they meet someone that is their best friend and a companion they would chose to walk this course of life alongside them and be a witness to their life. I could care less about a formula or system: I just want confident children at peace knowing they are loved and led by their Father! *end rant*😉
Posted on: Sat, 16 Aug 2014 19:18:25 +0000

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