Ive really been emotional today. I wrote some stuff that I hope - TopicsExpress


Ive really been emotional today. I wrote some stuff that I hope speaks to some of you. Enjoy. 1. Enjoy every sunrise. Not everyone woke up today. 2. Put down the phone and go outside. 3. Do more stuff with your friends and family. Quit buying your kids so much crap and take them somewhere. They will outgrow that outfit, but theyll never forget hitting you with a water balloon or the time you tried to eat the home wrecker at hillbilly hotdogs. 4. Make a strangers day. 5. Give some of those old clothes to a homeless shelter. You arent getting back to your high school weight. Lol. I love who you are now. Really. 6. Put someone else before yourself. 7. Kiss your parent on the cheek for no reason. 8. Hold your spouses hand in public sporadically. 9. Hug someone at work, and ask them how their day is....and really listen. Maybe sometimes theres an underlying message they want someone to hear. 10. Actually give change to one of those original sign dancers. 11. Kiss your kids. On the lips. Even if they are teenagers and hate it. Lol 12. Quit with all of your self defeating comments. You are a great person and Im glad I got to cross paths with you. 13. Forgive someone from your past. Let them into your present. Harboring those feelings of hatred and negativity are like holding onto cancer. 14. Think about trying to stop smoking. Really. In the end, it may give you 1 more day with your family. Would you trade all of the cigs in the world for an extra day with your soulmate? 15. Surprise your mother/daughter with a flower. I dont care if you illegally pick it out of someones yard. Just do it. 16. Hand write a letter to someone. It means a lot more than a Facebook post. 17. Make out with your spouse. Yes. Dont let them pull away. Pretend its your first kiss. Dont let them go. 18. Dont be so hard on your kids. Everyone needs discipline, but let them be kids. If they play sports, let them fail. Its ok. Believe me. The kid whose parents are never satisfied gets burnt out and is miserable inside. 19. Quit comparing yourself to other people. Just be better than you were yesterday. 20. Be emotional. Every day. Laugh with strangers. Be moved to tears by a book or video. Just dont hold it all in. I hope this made you think.
Posted on: Thu, 14 Aug 2014 04:11:08 +0000

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