Ive received PMs from a few of my friends here on FB, asking why I - TopicsExpress


Ive received PMs from a few of my friends here on FB, asking why I seem somewhat Militant in my status updates as of late. I can only speak for myself when I say, I am a law abiding citizen fed up with our governments behavior. Our representatives act worse than what our Fore Fathers fought against in the revolution. I am a Father who loves his Children more than life it self. I want them to enjoy the Liberties and opportunities I, and others of my generation, have enjoyed growing up in this great land. If you have seen, read and paid attention to my postings you have seen my concerns. A Government that is so corrupt that it will remove rights, that are ensured by our Constitution, so they can do as they please without our opposition. A Police Force that looks more like a Combat Assault Force than a Law Enforcement Community that is meant to Protect and Serve its constituents. The Department of Homeland Security is more Concerned about what we post online than what is going on on our Southern Borders. This isnt why I donned my Countries Uniform and gave up a decade of my life to achieve. This is what we gave up our lives to prevent. I am saddened that our schools teach common core curriculum in our schools to dumb the next generation down so the educated upper class can keep control of their power. Dont think its happening? Ask your Freshman student what the American Constitution means to them. Mine just looked at me and said, They havent taught me about that yet. Look at your 3rd graders Math homework. Are they learning the magic cube to arrive at their answers? Have them show you how it works. I almost had a stroke at not only the way he arrived at his answer but also the fact that his answer was wrong and when I pointed that out he said it was close enough for the teacher. Seriously, folks, if We dont stand up and be heard, pretty soon we wont be allowed to speak our mind at all. Think of Political Correctness on steroids. Today I was told I am a Racist. Why you may ask yourselves. Because I dont like our current President because of his actions while in office, not because he is Black. People will use the Racist call out to shut you up and stall your opinion. Sorry but that crap doesnt work on me because I know what theyre trying to do. I dont judge a man by his color, I consider his actions. President Obama may the nicest man and Im sure I would probably enjoy his company over a meal but as far as his performance in office, I am distressed at the direction he is leading our Nation. This is why I post what I post. I took an Oath when I joined the Army. I held up my right hand a swore a solemn vow to protect this Nation and its Constitution from all enemies, no matter where they attack from, whether from a foreign shore or the hallowed halls of the Government itself and it is a vow I intend to keep til my dying breath. It only took 3% of the Countrys population to throw the British off our land the first time we revolted, There are Millions more that will stand shoulder to shoulder this time. I would like to think of myself as a Watchman and my postings as alarms to wake up my fellow Americans to what is happening to our Country on a daily basis. Believe me or not, its ok. Ive been called worse by better and I am still standing strong. I will fight, and if need be, Die so my Children can know peace. I am of the III% are you?
Posted on: Sun, 10 Aug 2014 23:43:33 +0000

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