Ive recently received a letter from Lucky Deniss legal team - TopicsExpress


Ive recently received a letter from Lucky Deniss legal team threatening me with a defamation lawsuit for a post I made a couple of weeks ago highlighting the cozy and convenient relationship he appears to have with our current and former political representatives. As it is obvious that Lucky Denis has at least one person monitoring this page I would like them to convey the following to their boss. Your bully boy tactics and threats may work against the spineless politicians you are used to dealing with in Fine Gael, Fianna Fail and Labour but they will not work on me. Furthermore intimidation tactics will never prevent me from speaking the truth in the public interest regardless of the consequences. You may have silenced Eamon Dunphy, Sam Smyth, Dr. Elaine Byrne and at least 17 journalists over the last 10 years with your legal threats but perhaps that was because they had a lot to lose. We in Direct Democracy Ireland and the people of Ireland in general will not stand idly by while the business and banking cartels, facilitated by gombeen politicians attempt to strip our Nation of all its valuable assets. These nameless, faceless conspirators in the IMF, World Bank and Bilderberg group seek total control over all valuable state assets, not just in Ireland but across the globe. We must never allow this to happen. This is far bigger than just another tax/charge What is happening in Ireland now is a carefully orchestrated plan to privatise one of our most precious natural resources, that being water. Water privatisation in Ireland has been ordered by the IMF who have planned this for years. Due to national media bias and compliance with the water privatisation agenda we have been kept in the dark about the true value of our water and the reasons behind its privatisation. Following is just a few quotes to demonstrate the importance our water has in the 21st Century. I will post a link to original article that goes into more (shocking) detail. I know this is a relatively long read but this is information you need to know to understand the magnitude of this issue, its not just another charge, it is state asset stripping that could have otherwise been used for the benefit of Irish people. “Water is the oil of the 21st century.” Andrew Liveris, CEO of DOW Chemical Company (quoted in The Economist magazine, August 21, 2008) Citigroup’s top economist Willem Buitler said in 2011: “Water as an asset class will, in my view, become eventually the single most important physical-commodity based asset class, dwarfing oil, copper, agricultural commodities and precious metals.” In January 2012, China Investment Corporation has bought 8.68% stakes in Thames Water, the largest water utility in England, which serves parts of the Greater London area, Thames Valley, and Surrey, among other areas. In November 2012, One of the world’s largest sovereign wealth funds, the Abu Dhabi Investment Authority (ADIA), also purchased 9.9% stake in Thames Water. In summer 2011, the Hong Kong multibillionaire tycoon Li Ka-shing who owns Cheung Kong Infrastructure (CKI), bought Northumbrian Water, which serves 2.6 million people in northeastern England, for $3.9 billion (see this and this). CKI also sold Cambridge Water for £74 million to HSBC in 2011. Not satisfied with controlling the water sector, in 2010, CKI with a consortium bought EDF’s power networks in UK for £5.8 billion. Through his Berkshire Hathaway, Warren Buffet is the largest institutional investor of Nalco Holding Co. (NLC), a subsidiary of Ecolab, with 9 million shares. Nalco was named 2012 Water Technology Company of the Year. Nalco manufactures treatment chemicals and water treatment process technologies. When we read between the lines on this issue it raises some very serious questions. Why are megabanks, global investment funds and Billionaires buying up all the privatised water companies? The World Bank and the IMF are pushing for water privatisation throughout the world, we need to be asking why are the World Bank and the IMF pressuring governments around the globe to allow privatisation of water as part of loan agreements? Wouldnt such a valuable asset be better off under public ownership, serving the needs of Ireland and its people rather than some unaccountable private speculative billionaire? What were the stipulations made by the IMF and the ECB for the bank bailout loans, and why did the Government agree to them without informing the people of Ireland. In Britain, due to water privatisation, costs increased 67% between 1989 and 1995. In England alone water charges increased by 450% while company profits soared by 692%. CEO salaries for the private corporations behind the water supply increased by an astonishing 708%. The same pattern follows in every country that has had water privatisation forced upon them, wed be very foolish to think it wont happen in Ireland. In the year 2000, out of 40 IMF loans distributed through the International Finance Corporation, 12 had requirements of partial or full privatization of water supplies. They also insisted on the creation of policies to stimulate “full cost recovery” and the elimination of subsidies. This would indicate that we can expect all allowances and subsidies to be eliminated which would further increase costs if privatisation is allowed. If we were to believe what is being peddled by the media we would think that the privatisation of water was for our benefit, to save us money and to upgrade the water system. But when you dig a little deeper you discover that it is nothing but an asset grab by greedy billionaires backed up by endemically corrupt or inept politicians. Theres a reason that megabanks and billionaires are referring to water as blue gold and the new oil of the 21st century which is the same reason big banking cartels and billionaires want to control it. We must prevent privatisation of our water at all costs not just because it is a further charge on already overburdened workers but also because it is an obvious attempt to exploit our nations most important resource and possibility for future wealth generation.
Posted on: Wed, 08 Oct 2014 09:11:15 +0000

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