Ive recently taken and posted these photos of Miss Eliza - TopicsExpress


Ive recently taken and posted these photos of Miss Eliza Tape. She was born with a rare condition. Her mother Sue, wanted to share some touching words about her beautiful daughter. Here they are: Miss Eliza: confined by or to nothing Just over three years ago, my husband and I left our 18 month old son with my parents and headed off to a planned c section. We knew we were having a girl and were excited to be meeting her in hopefully a calmer fashion than our sons arrival. It was as blissful as you can get for planned surgery! Our little girl was beautiful, funky thumbs and all. During our hospital stay Eliza and I fed, slept, greeted visitors and I marvelled how much easier it was second time around. Then we went home. Over the next 6 weeks Eliza developed into a noisy feeding, sleeping, snoring machine that put on very little weight and sweated like a race horse. Someone picked us all up, strapped us into the roller coaster and hit the start button. It would eventuate that Eliza was born with Rubinstein Taybi Syndrome. When you take Eliza into a standard health professional you answer their questions and end up with a list of what she cant do. Today as a beautiful three year old, here is what she can do, loud and proud. Some of these are very new and recent and we could not be prouder of her. - Eliza can roll, four point kneel and out fart any 10 year old boy - Eliza loves the pool, refuses to blow bubbles and floats without a care in the world - Eliza can nod for yes, indicate when she wants more and give you a withering look inherited from her Grandfather - Eliza can stand leaning over a table, has an awesome stepping pattern and can projectile vomit with no tears - Eliza can sit up and lie down, she can rest in her own bed happily playing and fall asleep by herself at night - Eliza can clap, wave and flip you the bird - Eliza can jiggle to music, play peekaboo and ram her brothers shins with her wheelchair to get him out of the way - Eliza can operate the iPad, send random texts on my phone and chuck a gale force tantrum about not being able to chew the shopping trolley - Eliza can paint, draw circles and find frogs in a rice/pasta tray - Eliza can pat a dog, kangaroo, and baby with gentle hands and leave bite marks on my shoulder if Im not paying attention - Eliza can sit on the edge of a sandpit and hold her feet up with her awesome abs, splash in the shallows and stare at the ocean till it brings me to tears - Eliza can hold her hand out for her canular to be flushed, her head still for an ear temp check and put the stethoscope on her own heart - Eliza can self propel herself in a wheelchair, put her arms through her sleeves and take off her shoes and socks - Eliza can get her arms out of her seatbelt, splash in the bath, and cuddle with great fervour - Eliza can clear a table by pulling the tablecloth, clear a room with one poo, fill your heart with love and your eyes with tears
Posted on: Wed, 03 Sep 2014 06:17:49 +0000

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