Ive said before that my heart is shaped like Haiti... That doesnt - TopicsExpress


Ive said before that my heart is shaped like Haiti... That doesnt mean physically or maybe it does , what I really mean by this is that God knew before I was even born that I would be here in Haiti and he would put me in a position to love unconditionally. Yesterday as I was out by the property having kids climb all over me I was not only smiling on the outside but the inside as well. When I wake I thank my Jesus and when I lay my head on my pillow I sd just the same. I take nothing for granted what Im doing is truly a blessing and I make sure that if I can bring at least a smile to a face that hasnt experienced joy then that is a goal that will change the atmosphere ..Love Love Love and then love some more. If your struggling within ask God to position your heart to keep time with His, its when we position our hearts to keep His heartbeat when we experience joy!! Be a blessing to someone today!! Its time to love like Jesus !! Blessings
Posted on: Mon, 10 Mar 2014 12:08:11 +0000

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