Ive said it many times and Im going to say it again. If you are a - TopicsExpress


Ive said it many times and Im going to say it again. If you are a Muslim and want what is happening around the world to stop there is only one solution and that is to act upon your religion 100%. Ive seen so many posts where people are swearing and slating the Arab leaders and the Ulamaa and I cant believe how ignorant people are. Allaah has NEVER said anywhere in the Quraan that if you face a problem you should ask the Arab leaders for help and neither will you find that in the Ahaadeeth. The teachings of Islam all point towards asking and begging Allaah for all our needs first. So before blaming others ask yourselves these questions, 1. Are you practicing Islam 100%? 2. Do you wake up for Fajr? 3. Do you wake up in the middle of the night and beg Allaah for His forgiveness, mercy and help as is the Sunnah? 4. Are you refraining from swearing, using vile language, backbiting, harbouring bad thoughts about others without knowing what is in their hearts eg the Arab leaders and the Ulamaa? 5. When you go to protests do you adhere to Islamic principles such as segregation and dressing according to Sunnah and keeping calm and peaceful at all times no matter what? Please answer these questions before you point a finger at others. In the same way you say the leaders will be accountable youll be accountable too. Allaah states to the nearest meaning in the Glorious Quraan; If you bear patience and remain God fearing then their plans will not harm you even the slightest. There you have the solution to all your problems Sabr and Taqwa. It does not say The Arab leaders and Ulamaa. You dont need to blame anyone or do anything. That is the promise of Allaah so all you people looking down on the Ulamaa just remember they know their Deen better than you and their not that ignorant to get all emotional over an occurrence and jump to doing things which involve others doing Haraam. I dont go to protests coz I dont want to see caked up faces of women wearing leggings and doing everything theyre not supposed to be doing mixing with men and in the same way men who have no sense of dress or hair cuts mixing with females. You can call me boring and old fashioned it doesnt bother me. Islam was and will remain the same for all of time and that is the only Islam which Allaah will accept. The Ulamaa are not stupid they know when to react and when not to. Theyve studied and understood the Quraan and Ahaadeeth well enough to know what to do and what not to do. So you carry on thinking you can change the world with your un Islamic ways whilst the Ulamaa and me following behind them follow the Quraan and Ahaadeeth. Its funny how you never worry about the Ulamaa or even remember them normally, as a Muslim should have connection with the Ulamaa and sit in their gatherings on a regular basis, but as soon as something happens you all remember the Ulamaa but unfortunately its in a bad way. Without knowledge we shouldnt talk regarding the Ulamaa they definitely know more than us and I can say that coz Ive lived and stayed with many in my life and AlhamduIillaah I can vouch for them that their daily lives were in accordance to the Sunnah from the time they woke up till the time they went to sleep. Talking bad about people like that will just harm us so be very careful before you open your mouth to say anything bad regarding them. Sabr and Taqwa! And Allaah will change the world for us all! May Allaah give us all the correct understanding of Islam and give us the ability to recognise how to react to situations when they arise in the correct manner and may He give us love for those who Allaah has chosen to give His Ilm and understanding of Deen, the authentic Ulamaa who have studied for years and sacrificed their time, money and effort to aquire this great favour of Allaah. Aameen
Posted on: Sat, 02 Aug 2014 21:31:35 +0000

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