Ive seen a lot of status updates and videos the past few days - TopicsExpress


Ive seen a lot of status updates and videos the past few days about why good girls like bad boys. There is some truth in all of it and some BS. too . I will try to explain insanity. When a little boy likes a little girl he is often mean to her and might even punch her in the arm. The girl goes home to her parents and they both giggle and say awww that means he likes you as they make cooing noises. This stays in the girls brain for the rest of her life. One day she grows up and when her boyfriend pushes her around a little or mentally abuses her she remembers awwww This means he loves me . Uhh no it doesnt! I am fortunate to have been on both sides of this in my lifetime. When I was young I was an outsider,nice guy,pushover! I study people and am an observer of human behavior. I didnt have to be a rocket scientist to figure out nice guys finish last and jerks get all the girls. So I became what I observed, acted like a bad boy and treated women like objects. I was beating women off with a stick(literally and figuratively) I became that guy that every father of a daughter hated. Unlike most jerks though, deep down inside I was still the nice guy and would occasionally revert back to that. I would quickly realize my girlfriends were losing interest and have to scramble to become a jerk again. What a f##ked up way to go through life. The good news nice guys? Well eventually women get tired of being shit on and go looking for a nice guy. Be careful its a trap ! You will have to find a happy medium between nice guy and jerk in order not to get walked on. I raised my two boys to treat people with respect and value loyalty and it pains me to watch them get walked on occasionally. Despite this I would still give them the same advice, stay true to the real you and dont let a mean world change you. Eventually an intelligent, beautiful and loving woman will walk into your life and save you from a lifetime of acting like a jerk, Like your mom. Stay thirsty my friends , the next conquest is just around the corner and she might just be the one! To the young women out there ,wake the F up and have some self respect for gods sake. You are beautiful and precious and deserve a nice guy! So stop settling for what you were told was love in kindergarten and grow up. A guy that writes you poetry and brings you flowers and candy is not a door mat, he is a potential husband. Duh!
Posted on: Tue, 09 Sep 2014 13:09:13 +0000

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