Ive seen reports that the store worker in the Kosher Grocery in - TopicsExpress


Ive seen reports that the store worker in the Kosher Grocery in Paris who helped many of the shoppers hide in the freezer was supposedly Muslim himself. If this is indeed the case, then this is what I have to say about it. (a) - In Islam, there is no openly declared concept of orthodox, conservative, and reform, as there is in the Jewish world. Orthodox Jews, who represent true Judaism, do not relate to conservative Judaism and reform Judaism as authentic forms of Judaism. Simply put, those movements are not Judaism. They are wanna-be break-off movements who have formed their own religion / cult which has a mix of some Jewish teachings within it. However, to much of the world - which, unfortunately, is quite clueless about Judaism - they see Judaism as something that can come in different forms. Kind of like with Christianity, where there are Catholics, Protestants, Orthodox Christians, with each of those movements having many of its own break-offs. Thus, many people ignorantly think that there is Orthodox Judaism, Conservative Judaism, Reform Judaism, etc. Those of us who are are observant Jews know that this is not true. There is ONLY one Judaism, which is the Judaism that preserves the Torah - both Written and Oral - without altering anything to try to adapt to modern times. This is obviously Orthodox Judaism. And while Orthodox Judaism does have many different sects, the differences are largely with customs, whereas matters of Jewish Law - Halacha - are virtually the same. Although Islam is a false religion, just like Christianity, they also have the same problem. However, their problem is even bigger, because their conservative and reform movements usually dont identify as such. They all identify themselves as just Islam. However, there IS the true Islam - the Orthodox Islam, so to speak - and then there are the other insignificant movements which have broken off from the original teachings - the Conservative Islam and Reform Islam. This is precisely why true Muslims hate those other type of Muslims more than anyone else, because they pervert the true Islam. The world - much of which is sadly ignorant - sees this, and they see how there are peaceful Muslims, without realizing that these are not true Muslims, that these are reform Muslims and conservative Muslims who do not represent true Islam, and thus they relate all the terrorist attacks to extremism. What they try to pass off as extremism is actually bare naked Islam. What ISIS is doing, what Hamas is doing, what all these groups are doing - they are the ones who are following in the footsteps of their prophet, and they are the ones who get support from all the revered internationally acclaimed Muslims leaders. (b) - Even within true Islam, there is are well known laws where Muslims are obligated to lie for the sake of spreading Islam. This is precisely why they seem so peaceful when they are a very small minority in a country - and also why they change their colors as their population grows. The Islam in Islamic countries is true Islam with no boundaries. Within their own countries they dont need to sugarcoat anything for anyone, and thus they show their true colors. They only lie to the West to get their support, but anyone with a shred of common sense can see the contradictions between their words and the things that go on in their countries. On the contrary, within countries like the US and Canada, many Muslims - until recent years - have seemed relatively friend, because their numbers were relatively small. This is now quickly changing and we are seeing more and more of their true colors now. France and Germany are good examples of what happens when Islam starts to take over. And assuming that this young man who helped employees hide was a true Muslim - which I highly doubt - it is possible that he did what he did to counter all the bad light that Islam has been getting lately in Europe. People, especially Liberals, will see that a Muslim helped Jews hide and say - Oh, see! Its only the extremists that are a problem... whereas true Muslims are peaceful... And thus, this man would be doing a big mitzvah on a large scale. My personal assumption would be that hes simply not a true Muslim, perhaps a reform Muslim or conservative Muslim at best, or perhaps secular with no true connection to Islam whatsoever, just with Middle Eastern origins. (c) - Islam is not a nationality or a culture - its a religion / ideology. Someone who does not practice the teachings of the Koran is not a Muslim according to Islam. Much of the ignorant world fails to realize this and associates Islam as being a culture. Just because someone is from the Middle East doesnt mean they are a Muslim, even if many of their relatives are as such. Islam is not like Judaism. In Judaism, a person who is born a Jew is always a Jew, and being a Jew is not a nationality, its a spiritual state of being. A person can be born an Arab, can be born Persian, but cannot be born a Muslim. A person can be raised as a Muslim, can choose to become Muslim, and can choose to stop being Muslim. Conclusion: It is very likely that the man who helped the shoppers hide was either secular religiously or a reform/conservative Muslim, and thus, strictly speaking not actually a true Muslim, and thus not representative of Islam. The other option - if he is a true Muslim, which I highly doubt - he may have helped to further his own agenda. The sad truth is that the media now publishes this and all the Liberals can yell Muslims can be good and peaceful like this guy... and thus, all the terror attacks are downplayed as related to extremists rather than blamed on the true problem - Islam.
Posted on: Sat, 10 Jan 2015 19:19:14 +0000

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