Ive seen the spirit of death touch not just those whom were - TopicsExpress


Ive seen the spirit of death touch not just those whom were friends of mine, but also my very inner family. Ive been at the bedside of many who went home to be with the Lord, yet Ive stood at the bedside of those who would feel the icy hand of death hours or days later who never knew Christ. Yet in all of my experiences when it comes to death and dying I have come to understand one thing, Ive never seen a sinner die and leave this world in complete peace - its never happened. You can always tell those who know Christ who are moments away from death because there is a comfort that is beyond explanation, yet you can always tell those who do not have a relationship with Christ and its heartbreaking because we know what is about to occur at the moment of death itself - judgment. The sad fact is, there is no complete comfort for anyone who dies without Christ, only a dread of what awaits in eternity. Many a bold man who renounced Christ and the cross left this world fearful of what comes after their last breath. Many a scoffer of salvation and the need for the cross have left this world declaring the reality of hell. It is the foolish man who ends his life without God, to give up such a great salvation. Yet many today leave this world one way or the other with their sins going with them into eternity, and condemning them for all eternity. There is nothing bold in facing death unsaved, just as there is nothing more foolish than a man or woman to face death without the only remedy that would bring peace to their lives - the cross. There is a reason why the spirit of God gives mercy and grace as well as strength to the believer just before death, because our human frailty would worry and fret at the thought of dying, but when the comforter comes, he gives peace to those who have placed their faith and trust in Jesus Christ. Yet for the wicked, the one who would try to justify themselves as being a good person, the one who would argue they found another way to God other than the cross, other than repenting and turning from sin, or to those who deny the reality of God and all of creation, and that reality is judgment in the confines of hell, to await the great and terrible day where all sinners will stand before God and their lives put before all to see, and then every question will be answered, every argument settled, every doubt removed as those who died without Christ comes to the terrible reality which will haunt and torment them possibly more greater than the flames which will eventually devour them - the idea that they walked away from so great a salvation. That is the reality of eternity, and the reality of death for those who leave this world in sin. There will be no second chances. “There is no peace,” says the LORD, “for the wicked.” (Isaiah 48:22)
Posted on: Mon, 18 Aug 2014 19:34:13 +0000

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