Ive shared this before and Ill share it again, three minutes and - TopicsExpress


Ive shared this before and Ill share it again, three minutes and 24 seconds of Gabor Mate, explaining the root of all addiction, clearly and articulately. If you are running from your pain , as I have, as I am still tempted to do sometimes, know that you can stop at any moment. There are places to get help. In the beginning I went to a lot of twelve step meetings, they helped immensely, theres one in your neighborhood every single day, they are free and they work, there are good people there. Ive tried therapy on a few occasions when I needed it, and will do again Im sure. I wrote a lot to try and get to the bottom of it all, to try and articulate my own story. I meditate. Lately, Ive been doing yoga, which helps a lot. Its an ongoing process. I am by no means perfect. But its a path, a journey, not a destination. Its also a wild adventure and the rewards are beyond your wildest dreams. Trust me on this one, each one of us has the exact same magic inside, if you dust away the debris you will find it. Have a great day. youtube/watch?safe=active&v=T5sOh4gKPIg&feature=youtu.be&app=desktop
Posted on: Sat, 25 Oct 2014 13:16:01 +0000

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