Ive spent a lot of my week sitting at the foot of my grandmas bed - TopicsExpress


Ive spent a lot of my week sitting at the foot of my grandmas bed at the hospice facility in Fort Worth this week.. Tonight, I felt prompted to write a prayer for Nannie [below]. I felt like God gave me a small glimpse of how He sees her, which gave me a lot of the peace I think I needed. Please keep Nannie in your prayers this evening! Heavenly Father, You are good Lord. You are merciful. Your plans are higher and greater than all we could ever know to seek or ask for. I praise you for life, and for the many blessings you have so graciously given to each of us. We are so undeserving of these things. I thank you Lord. I thank you for your Daughter, whom you chose, you named, and whom you gave to us for such as time as this. I praise you for the amazing things you did in Nannies life here on this earth Lord. And I praise you for giving so many the opportunity to witness you through her. You formed Nannie, and you fashioned her, and you called her by name. You planned for her to be a daughter, a sister, a cherished wife, a blessed mother, a beloved grandmother, and a perfect friend. You placed her in specific places at specific times to be an image of you for so many others. Father, you made Nannie to be strong, to be courageous. You made her bold and you made her beautiful. And Lord, she is so beautiful, indeed! You created her to arrange this world in ways we have never seen or imagined. You gifted her with the divine ability to see your creation in new ways. The same power that spoke this world into existence was the same power you put within her to steward her artistic mind and hands. She painted the things of this earth into perfect masterpieces. Lord, you took delight in it because it was you at work within it all, and whatever she touched your fingerprints were left there. When people looked at the things that came from Nannies hands, you were seen, and you will continue to be seen. I praise you for that! We stand amazed in all that you have done in Nannies life, and all that you will continue to do after she breathes her last breath. I thank you for the legacy that you have written for Nannie. I thank you that even after all of this is over your name will be carried on for generations to come. I praise you for living within her Lord. I praise you for the children she raised up, and the things they will do for your kingdom. I thank you that her grandchildren and great grandchildren will know your name, and your love and grace. I thank you that her life has planted seeds in ways that we cannot even begin to fathom. Lord, you are good. As I pray this prayer Lord, you see my tears, not one of them goes unnoticed. I pray for your spirit of comfort to surround each of Nannies family and friends. I pray for peace, and for your healing hand to be upon those who feel they left words unspoken, or carry regrets of things they should have said or done. Father I ask that you would show Nannie the love that is within each of us for her. I pray that in these final days and hours that she would know your perfect peace. I pray that any and all fear would vanish. And I pray that your sweet whisper would be in her ear. Lastly Lord, I pray for hope. I pray for the hope that is in each of us to see her again. Lord, you know our desire to ultimately stand in your presence. You know our hearts desire and our cry for the day that we will spend eternity praising you and your precious name. I keep my eyes toward heavenly things. Not of the things of this world. Keep our vision toward the ultimate place of peace and the home that awaits us. Thank you for choosing us, for loving us, and for preparing a place for us Lord. In the name of my precious Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, amen.
Posted on: Sun, 31 Aug 2014 03:57:04 +0000

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