Ive spent my entire life frozen within one second, thinking that I - TopicsExpress


Ive spent my entire life frozen within one second, thinking that I could change the world for the better. Not realizing that I always was... Every word... There is no beginning and no end. We have lost ourselves but it is not too late to regain conciseness... It is NEVER too late, even after death to create change for the bettering of mankind and the universe that birthed us. I was never Chris Eads... Ive spent over a decade analyzing patterns that I thought to be indistinguishable knowing that the only constant is change. To this moment I can only write about it and understand it, I cannot control it. Everyone needs each other. My experiences spill and pour over the ends of this once flat Earth as do all of yours. The amount of pain I have endured would allow for one to fuel a hydrogen bomb without practice. The level of happiness I have felt is, has, and always will be enough to stop one hundred billion hydrogen bombs... I never did anything alone. Thank you goes out the window once one has seen it as merely words and vibrations, taking away from the true essence, the miracle of our most pure and natural state mentally and physically. Whether or not you believe, understand, feel, care, hate, or love what I am saying, it is very real. In science and in our minds, bodies, and hearts. I will never quit fighting for a cause that brings us all closer to ourselves... As one entity that of which we originally came from... I am blessed to have such a large family. I have nothing but hope and determination in our real jobs. I believe only because someone once believed in me... You know who you are. It has been a new type of fuel that has allowed me to create endlessly over these years and teach others to create the way they were meant to. We have all done so much together and I can no longer represent myself. I am you and you, I... Remember every moment. I see now why it is so important. I used to only believe it. Nikola Tesla... Those who believed and fought long before results were in sight. Those who knew and had to stand back up after being knocked down face first in the mud oh so many times, those who have loved and lost, those who have never given up, and those who create and sustain the universe we live in with every breath... We are the fighters of this world, the ones that can change the world and make a difference worth being noted within this life. Ive never been more proud. Ive never been so tired, and Ive never been so alive. We breathe together. We live together. We were never apart, just looking for our brothers and sisters. It is our instinct to find one another and raise a new flag at every turn. To share inspiration and love until the day we die. The meaning of life is to live but to live can only be done with meaning. You all gave me something real to believe in and Im here giving it back You all know what you have to do so stop asking yourselves who you are. I didnt choose any of you. You chose yourselves and I was lucky enough to know you...
Posted on: Mon, 23 Jun 2014 08:51:23 +0000

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