Ive spent the better part of two days looking at everyones post - TopicsExpress


Ive spent the better part of two days looking at everyones post regarding Robin Williams on my news feed. Ive been trying to figure out what I wanted to say. I wanted to say something moving or poignant regarding the inner sadness of a brilliant and immensely talented individual. That despite the joy and happiness he brought to so many, he was ultimately consumed by his own darkness. So maybe theres nothing to say... Then again, I feel compelled to say this. Part of being human is feeling... and sometimes you just feel lousy. Maybe its just a few bad days. Maybe its a much longer stretch. Call it depression, bipolar, or whatever else you like. However, just like anything else, youve got to want to get past it. You have to get the help you need and endure. You endure the pain because it makes the joys that much better. Not many can do it alone. Understanding and compassion is crucial to get past this... but if no one knows, its hard to provide those things. Ive always said that I loathe the idea of suicide. That its a chicken shit way out. Thats in no way to be insensitive to anyone who has lost someone to it, but I just cant wrap my head around it. Maybe there is a silver lining to this though. Maybe it took someone that all of us have known and connected with through his shows, movies and comedy so much to have people connect one last time on a far greater level. To let them know that theyre not alone and that even those who have so much can be overwhelmed and lost. This is turning into an essay so Ill wrap it up. 4 or 5 years ago, Robin came to the Landmark Theatre in Cuse. Jess and I were lucky enough to go to this performance. We didnt realize until we got there that we were a mere 3 rows from the stage. When he came out on stage, it was magic. You couldnt describe it then (and I still cant now) just how much he dazzled and how special he was. The love that he had for the crowd and how much they (we) loved him back was palpable. Ill never forget it. God bless and may you finally be at peace.
Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 20:34:57 +0000

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