Ive started typing and deleting this post countless times, I - TopicsExpress


Ive started typing and deleting this post countless times, I think. I just cant figure out a way to get the words out right or how to lead into such a touchy topic. So I think Im just going to have to come out with it. If you saddle the back of a religion that stands for forgiveness and love above all else to ridicule and belittle a 63 year old man who struggled with incredible depression his whole life by calling him a coward or a disappointment then I hate to break it to you but you do not deserve nor earn the title of Christian that you give yourself. You may go to church, you may read a book, but your actions do not promote the religion you claim to stand so firmly on. How funny, it seemed to me, that every post and word I saw spitting on the marvelous existence that was Robin Williams came from a standpoint of closed minded religion. People who have no idea what depression is like or can do to a mind need to think 3-68 times before they will open their mouths to condemn those who suffer. Yeah well if he had problems he should have gotten help.- do you know that he did get help? Lots of help. Help for much of his life. Getting help doesnt mean the problems are solved. Therapy isnt like getting a bandaid, its more like getting the spot numbed- the pain will come back eventually. He was a coward for taking his own life. Dont say hes in Heaven because he took his own life and the Bible says he wont go to Heaven for that..- super happy for you that thats the beliefs you want to apply to your own life but how about you take more than a millisecond inside of your own head to realize the damaging words youre spewing. Nice tattoos by the way. Im pretty pissed at Robin Williams.- oh booboo Im so sorry that youve taken the suffering and struggling of an old man who did nothing but try to bring joy and happiness to others while he couldnt find that light in himself and decided to make it a personal attack against your feelings, resulting in your misguided anger. How absolutely righteous of you to be pissed off at someone who most definitely acted the way he did to piss you off. He was thinking of you, Im sure, when he laid there alone. If you suffer from depression its because youre selfish and you hate God.- this is an argument I had used at me when I was discussing eating disorders. Which makes total sense because as you lay on the bathroom floor with snot and blood strung and stuck to your cheeks and sour saliva rolling out of your mouth breathing heavily from all the half digested food you just forced out of yourself letting your ribs press into the grout in the tile crying as quietly as you can for any kind of help to come from within yourself or begging God to fix you, yeah youre right people who suffer from mental diseases absolutely HATE God and its because theyre selfish and only care about themselves that they suffer the way they do. One day I woke up and decided I hated God and would GIVE myself a mind altering and crippling disease that would make periods of happiness wholly unavailable and an entire numbness that blocks out worth of myself or the rest of the world with physical pain that can ready itself at a moments notice. Youre right. Great plan. Im sure thats what everyones goal with depression is. Youre a genius. Every. Single. Person. That I have seen bash on the death of Robin Williams has done so using their religion as an excuse for their hatred and misunderstanding of an all consuming disease. If youre going to take the time to talk about Robin Williams, how about you talk about his love for strangers, his ease to make a laugh come to someones face, his versatile acting that caused him to fall into his roles so seamlessly, or how he was a fantastic human being in general. Remember the laughs he gave you. And shut up if youre going to speak from an uneducated standpoint on depression. This is not a status to say Religious people are bad! Theyre stupid! this is a post to say, I need people that are going to attack death from a religious point of view to please consider what mindset they are spreading to others and the hate and misunderstanding that they are showcasing in the name of an institution of Christianity that is supposed to be loving, forgiving and open. There is a difference in, This is my opinion and my own personal belief that I take on this situation. and, This is in the Bible/What my religion says and it is the whole unbendable truth and to deny me is to deny Christianity as a whole.
Posted on: Fri, 15 Aug 2014 18:26:23 +0000

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