Ive tried so hard to stay out of the vaccination discussion. But - TopicsExpress


Ive tried so hard to stay out of the vaccination discussion. But it has become so polarizing Im going to share my own experience. In hopes of bridging the gap, not widening it. At 6 months Dakota had his MMR, right on schedule. 2 weeks later he began having infantile spasms. (GOOGLE it. Yes, the scariest thing ever.) Researched. It fit the EXACT pattern of hundreds or thousands of other babies who started having ISs exactly 2 weeks after this specific shot. We were very lucky, found the right neurologist, got him on medication that had to be smuggled in from Canada, and no lasting effects (knock on wood!) It couldve been much worse. So, no, my kids are not fully vaccinated. Until youve experienced the potential (yes, thankfully rare) side effects, I dont think you get to judge. So Im not here to tell you young parents which choice to make. But I encourage you to research first and then make the decision that is best for your family. And the rest of us will stay away from Disneyland for now. Were all doing the best we possibly can at this parenting thing- a job you do with no prior experience and no do-overs. Lets support each other and applaud those who make educated decisions, even when they arent the same decisions we would have made. It sure beats the alternative: parents who dont parent. #NotARant #LongestPostEver #JustMyThoughts
Posted on: Sat, 24 Jan 2015 00:42:10 +0000

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