Ive tried to ignore it but Ive come to a point where I absolutely - TopicsExpress


Ive tried to ignore it but Ive come to a point where I absolutely can not stand the mindset all these young kids running around with expensive cameras, calling themselves photographers have put themselves in. Showing up to live events and expecting to receive money from bands by shooting pictures of them during their performance. When the majority of bands DO NOT get paid to play, and more often than not shell out large sums of money earned from working tirelessly at their 9-5 jobs just so they can have the opportunity to play when they can not sell the amount of tickets asked of them by a promoter. And thats not just the case for smaller bands, chances are that the bigger bands you dig and jam out tos songs in your leisure time have just as hard a time getting by as your average band. Making just enough money to keep themselves on the road. Ive literally seen every reason from A-Z as to why this method of thinking is justifiable: to pay for college, so you dont have to work a full time job, to pay for your pet chimp Chips new lamborghini. But what I dont understand is... Why you choose to make a profit off something that making a profit in is so hard to come by in the first place? Musicians do not make money from what we do to, we put in far much more money than we get back. And we choose to suck it up out of genuine love for our craft. Some bands arent even as resilient, bands break up all the time because its just not financially viable for them anymore... Shirts, CDs, etc. dont generate a profit. Every dollar made goes back into the gas tank or mouths of a bands members. So Ive gotta ask! When did kids become so entitled as to start asking money from those without. And why should I pay you for doing what you do when I in turn do not get paid doing what I do? Id really like to know when this trend started. When did kids start getting it in their heads that independent musicians were a quick, easy way to make money? If its really that easy... Well shit! Ill just go out and buy myself an $900 camera and make bank myself! And dont even get me started on the many reasons why trying to claim a picture of my face is your rightful property is so incredibly creepy...
Posted on: Tue, 08 Jul 2014 00:33:23 +0000

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