Ive tried to keep (relatively) quiet about the referendum and to - TopicsExpress


Ive tried to keep (relatively) quiet about the referendum and to not thrust my views to people who really cant give a rats arse about it. I dont want to be one of the people that insist that anything other than my view is incorrect and if so you are stupid, but here goes; Obviously people have an opinion. If they vote yes - brilliant, good to see you support something, same goes for no. But when I see people say youre an embarassment to scotland if you vote no. Its pretty much taking a shit on peoples opinion and shows absolutely no sign of respect. What gives someone the right to dictate what we should/should not be embarassed of based on one choice we make? Pride is an emotion. The referendum is a choice. In what way is choice and emotion in any way connected? Anyone that says one party is totally flawed or is flawless is only kidding themselves on, otherwise the polls wouldnt be sitting on a knife edge like they currently are. If we vote yes, we are scottish. If we vote no, we are still scottish. Regardless what YOU pick, you still deserve to proud of your country. For the record, I will be voting No in September. This doesnt make me English. Or a Tory. Or whatever. What it does make me, is someone that cares about the future of the country and how I want to see it (regardless if that is with or without the union). When I go to America in just over a week, I will not hide the fact that Im Scottish. I will correct people when they say Im from England, and I will be embrace the stereotype (to an extent). I will be proud that I am from Scotland. Honestly, I feel almost frightened to post this. Its not unknown that voting No is the unpopular option. That when I go on No pages, I see hordes of comments from Yes voters spouting all sorts of crap. Its already been said that the No campaign have the silent majority of support. Take a look around - its no surprise its silent. If you are a Yes voter, then brilliant. I understand where youre coming form and see why you want this new country. I personally find it all unrealistic, that the promises of a new world just dont seem real in todays economy based on what I have learned. This debate is tearing everyone apart. On the 19th September we will all still be in the same country, regardless of outcome. We better start getting along again - and not tell others how we can or cant feel.
Posted on: Thu, 07 Aug 2014 22:58:09 +0000

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