Ive tried to stay out of this whole billboard racehorse debate - TopicsExpress


Ive tried to stay out of this whole billboard racehorse debate thing but after being constantly tagged by people and at the risk of starting yet another debate here are my thoughts: Racing does kill horses. Thats the reality. But so does trail riding or horses standing in a paddock and being hit by lightning or a tree branch. Any animal on the planet is at risk of death, including humans. We dont stop driving cars because we mite get killed in a car accident!! Racehorses are incredibly well looked after when they are racing. Those involved in the industry know how hard it is just to get a horse to the races! But horses do die racing. I for one would rather a horse b injured racing and b treated within minutes by the on course vet than bleed to death in a paddock or be stuck under a tree branch for hours until someone notices or bitten by a snake in the paddock! Even at horse competitions (eventing/showjumping/dressage etc) if a horse breaks a leg or is seriously injured it takes longer to b treated than at the races! There are no doubt some less desirable trainers out there who dont love and look after their horses like the majority, but there are minority groups in ever part of life that u could always find a Negative focus for. I dont think this billboard represents the OTT retirement argument of the racing industry as thats a whole other issue that I believe is improving all the time. I think instead of defending what we do with our racehorses in retirement we would b better off acknowledging the fact that yes horses do die racing, but arent we incredibly lucky that we have the ability to put them out of pain so quickly and humanely instead of hours or lifetimes of suffering that a lot of horses go thru. And there is also something else Id like to know: Are all these people that are so opposed to the racing industry vegans? Surely there are bigger animal issues in the world we need to focus on!!
Posted on: Sat, 11 Oct 2014 00:17:17 +0000

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