Ive tried to suppress the need to rant about how outrageous and - TopicsExpress


Ive tried to suppress the need to rant about how outrageous and pathetic sports have become in the leading countrys of the world, but I just cant any more. First and foremost- based on the principle alone that these air heads are punting a ball around and being paid millions of sickening amounts, while our teachers and aid workers are being paid less than a McDonald cashier is unbelievably wrong. Considering a bag of rice can feed a family of four for a week on 2 dollars is more than appalling. Even more pathetic, is the fact that MILLIONS of desperate fans riot, and resort to violence over a GAME in which not only did they NOT participate in any way other than to talk shit and pretend to be refs. They spend ridiculous amounts of money on tickets and fan crap in which they could do something life changing or memorable with family and friends. Even (shocker) help a good cause out with. And lastly, this life consuming misguided passion for the game, negatively influences children. Parents force their children to join sports and put yet another added life pressure on them to be winners. As if there isnt enough shit to deal with and live up to as a child already. And if they arent good enough to score a goal, are made to feel like failures OVER A PETTY GAME! Lets not go into how insane parents get into their childrens games and again can result to aggression and violence over a petty childrens game. Which is supposed to be fun and team building. The family is made to watch the games, monopolizing time that should be constructive to build YOUR FAMILY team. Bottom line here, sports are great for friendly team building, getting fit and constructive ways to pass the time. But what sports have become today is disgraceful, I do NOT support them. And if your a bit delusional and obsessive about them, in my opinion ya need a slap into reality!
Posted on: Mon, 25 Nov 2013 08:23:49 +0000

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